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Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-D/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Cávado, Ave, Leça and Ribeiras do Oeste Rivers.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Cávado, Ave, Leça and Ribeiras do Oeste Rivers (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-E/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Ribeiras do Algarve Rivers.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Ribeiras do Algarve Rivers (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-G/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Guadiana River.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Guadiana River (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-H/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Minho and Lima Rivers.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of of Minho and Lima Rivers (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-A/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Sado and Mira Rivers.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Sado and Mira Rivers (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 16-B/2013 approving the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Vouga, Mondego and Lis Rivers.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Management Plan of the Hydrographical Basin of Vouga, Mondego and Lis Rivers includin Western streams (PGBH). It represents a planning instrument aiming at applying an integrated approach for management, protection and environmental social and economic valorisation of the waters within the related hydrographical basins guaranteeing the application of the EU Parliament and Council Directive No. 2000/60/CE, establishing a community framework for the water policy sector, so called Directive-Framework for Water (DQA).

Forestry Act (Northern-Ireland) 2010 (Chapter 10).

Europe septentrionale

This Act provides for the management and protection of forest resources in Northern Ireland. It, among other things, specifies functions and powers of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, provides for the protection of trees from damage and provides for restrictions on the felling of trees.The Department shall promote forestry on a wider footing than the traditional primary role of developing afforestation, the supply of timber, and the maintenance of reserves of growing trees.

Regional Law No. 113-Z “On ensuring fertility of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of soil conservation, improvement and rational management of agricultural land in the process of economic activities. The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure soil improvement of agricultural land. Each plot of agricultural land shall be issued soil fertility certificate in accordance with soil, agrochemical, phytosanitary, ecological and toxicological analysis and it shall be transferred to owners, tenants and laeseholders of agricultural land.

Commission Implementing Decision 2013/84/EU establishing the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions under Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions for the tanning of hides and skins.

Europe orientale
Europe septentrionale

These provisions were adopted in implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control). They establish the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions as regards industrial emissions for the tanning of hides and skins.

Decreto Nº 126-97: Ley reguladora de las áreas de reservas territoriales del Estado de Guatemala.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo para las áreas de reserva territoriales del Estado de Guatemala, que están constituidas por aquellas áreas: contenidas en la faja terrestre de tres kilómetros a lo largo de los océanos, contadas a partir de la línea superior de las mareas; de doscientos metros alrededor de las orillas de los lagos; de cien metros a cada lado de las riberas de los ríos navegables; de cincuenta metros alrededor de las fuentes y manantiales donde las aguas surtan a las poblaciones.