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El aprovechamiento de madera en las concesiones castañeras (Bertholletia excelsa) en Madre de Dios, Perú: un análisis de su situación normativa.

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

El objetivo de este documento es evaluar la situación normativa del aprovechamiento de madera en las concesiones castañeras de Madre de Dios desde el año 2004, cuando se publicó la norma con carácter de complementariedad que permitió esta actividad y hasta la zafra concluída para el año 2010. Para este fin se analizaron las cifras oficiales de volúmenes extraídos de madera tanto en concesiones castañeras y en concesiones madereras dentro de las Administraciones Técnicas de Tahuamanu y Tambopata-Manu.

El manejo y la utilización de las praderas naturales en el trópico americano

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 1975
Amérique du Sud
Amérique centrale

El siguiente documento contiene una revisión de literatura sobre el manejo y la utilización de las praderas naturales en el tropico americano, donde enfatiza la poca información e investigación sobre el manejo y utilización de las sabanas tropicales de América, y por consiguiente se hace necesario recurrir a la informaciónm existente en Africa y Australia aun cuando, en muchos casos, dichas áreas de sabana se salgan del tropico y caigan más bien en el subtrópico.

Enhancing farming system water productivity through alternative land use and improved water management of rainfed agriculture in Vertisol areas

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2013
Afrique orientale

Waterlogged Vertisols are amongst the high potential soils where management interventions could result in positive impacts. This study utilized soil, climate and crop and livestock productivity data and models to demonstrate intensification strategies which increase crop–livestock system productivity and to understand the effects of alternative land use and water management options on water productivity in the Vertisols areas.

Environment, development and poverty: a report of the international workshop on India’s forest management and ecological revival

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1995

India is vast, diverse and complex, in its environments and in environment-society relations. These relationships, and government policies which influence or control them, are the subject of very significant reforms currently occurring in India. At the most fundamental level, this report asks "Who is to protect, manage and regenerate India’s forests, where and for what, and what resources or support does each agent need to fulfil the mandate efficiently and equitably?" The conventional forestry systems have been under scrutiny.

Etat de la biodiversité et la de production des ligneux du Chantier d’Aménagement Forestier du NAZINON après une vingtaine d’années de pratiques d’aménagement

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007
Burkina Faso

Le Projet « Aménagement et exploitation des forêts pour le ravitaillement de la ville de Ouagadougou en bois de feu » (TCP/FAO/BKF/85/011) a donné naissance au projet « Aménagement des forêts naturelles pour la sauvegarde de l’environnement et la production de bois » (PNUD/FAO/BKF/89/011).

Erosion modelling in the upper Blue Nile basin: The case of Mizewa watershed in Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2013
Afrique orientale

The main objective of this research was to study soil erosion and sediment yield in Mizewa watershed using SWAT model. The study was involved hydrological and erosion modelling using primary data collected in the watershed. Hydrological and meteorological data were collected from the stations installed in the watershed by IWMI in collaboration with Ministry of Water and Energy and National Meteorological Service Agency. Suspended sediment data was collected at Mizewa River in the watershed, used for sediment rating curve development.

Estimating sustainable timber production from tropical forests

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1996

Natural forests in the humid tropics differ from temperate and plantation forests in several ways: there may be many tree species; many of these may occur infrequently; there may be a large range of tree sizes and shapes present; tree ages may be unknown and indeterminate; and despite the luxuriant appearance some rainforests, growth rates may be relatively low. This has many implications for timber harvesting and yield estimation and means that most of the estimation techniques devised for even-aged single-species forests cannot be used.