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Displaying 4141 - 4152 of 5264

A plot of one's own: gender relations and irrigated land allocation policies in Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1996
Burkina Faso
Afrique occidentale

Explores the effects of plots allocation on women's labor contributions in the Dakiri irrigation system of Burkina Faso. Compares intra-household distribution of income derived from agricultural activities when men are the sole owners of plots to income distribution when both men and women within the same household own irrigated plots.

A produção familiar como alternativa de um desenvolvimento sustentável para a Amazônia: lições aprendidas de iniciativas de uso florestal por produtores familiares na Amazônia boliviana, brasileira, equatoriana e peruana

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

Between 2005 and 2009, the EU-financed project ForLive set out to analyse promising local forest management initiatives in the Amazon Basin in four countries: Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru. Researchers aimed to identify locally viable practices that benefit livelihoods and ecological stabilisation of landscapes, as well as to define ways to promote these practices as a basis for sound rural development. This book presents lessons learnt from more than 100 studies by researchers from Latin America, from practitioners and from local families themselves.

Adapter les approches de l’amenagement durable des forets seches aux aptitudes sociales, economiques et technologiques en Afrique: le cas du Burkina Faso

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2006
Burkina Faso

Au Burkina Faso, l’aménagement des forêts naturelles a pour principaux objectifs l’exploitation du bois de feu et du pâturage. Il concerne également des activités secondaires tels que la chasse et le développement du tourisme de vision. Ces activités se concentrent principalement dans les régions de l’Ouest, du Sud et de l’Est dont les ressources forestières sont encore relativement abondantes. L’objectif de cette étude est de faire une analyse critique sur les approches et les technologies existantes sur l’aménagement des forêts naturelles.

A review of management strategies for salt-prone land and water resources in Iran

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007

Approximately half of the irrigated area of Iran falls under different types of salt-affected soils and average yield losses may be as high as 50 percent. Slightly and moderately salt-affected soils are mostly found on the piedmonts at the foot of the Elburz (Alborz) Mountains in the northern part of the country. The soils having severe to extreme salinity are predominantly located in the Central Plateau, the Khuzestan and Southern Coastal Plains and the Caspian Coastal Plain.

A review of dipterocarps: taxonomy, ecology and silviculture

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1998

Dipterocarps are one of the best known and commercially important groups of tropical trees. They preside over some of the most magnificent forest formations in the world. Exploitation of dipterocarp-dominated tropical rain forests has expanded rapidly in the past 20 years. Efforts to develop and implement sustainable management practices are being intensified and there is a pressing need for high quality information on which to base management decisions and reorient research.