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[Soil fertility at the Yaritagua experimental station and its use to guide fertilizers recommendations for sugarcane]

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2009

Documento digital estructurado con una 'Introducción'; en donde se expone el contexto geográfico de donde se halla localizada la Estación Local Yaritagua: ELY, en el estado Yaracuy, destacándose que por años ha estado dedicada a llevar a cabo investigaciones en caña de azúcar. Bajo el encabezamiento de: 'Área bajo estudio';, se presenta una descripción de los suelos predominantes en el Campo Experimental de esa estación, particularmente los de la serie Uribeque perteneciente al orden Alfisoles.

Global food supply: land use efficiency of livestock systems

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

PURPOSE: Livestock already use most global agricultural land, whereas the demand for animal-source food (ASF) is expected to increase. To address the contribution of livestock to global food supply, we need a measure for land use efficiency of livestock systems. METHODS: Existing measures capture different aspects of the debate about land use efficiency of livestock systems, such as plant productivity and the efficiency of converting feed, especially human-inedible feed, into animal products. So far, the suitability of land for cultivation of food crops has not been accounted for.

biophysical approach to delineate a northern limit to commercial forestry: the case of Quebec’s boreal forest1

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

The boreal forest ecosystem is one of the largest frontier forests of the world, providing many ecological services to society. Boreal forests are also economically important, but forest harvesting and management become increasingly difficult when one moves from south to north in boreal environments. An approach was thus developed to assess the suitability of land units for timber production in a sustainable forest management (SFM) context in the northern boreal forest of Quebec (Canada).

Evaluating the potential of concentrating solar power generation in Northwestern India

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

To accelerate the decarburization in the Indian power sector, concentrating solar power (CSP) needs to play an important role. CSP technologies have found significant space in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) of the Indian government in which 20,000MW grid connected solar power projects have been targeted by 2022 with 50% capacity for CSP.

Crop yield response to climate change varies with cropping intensity

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Projections of the response of crop yield to climate change at different spatial scales are known to vary. However, understanding of the causes of systematic differences across scale is limited. Here, we hypothesize that heterogeneous cropping intensity is one source of scale dependency. Analysis of observed global data and regional crop modelling demonstrate that areas of high vs. low cropping intensity can have systematically different yields, in both observations and simulations.

Using combined AHP–genetic algorithm in artificial groundwater recharge site selection of Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Flood spreading is one of the suitable strategies to control and benefit from floods which in turn improve the groundwater recharge, makes soil more fertile, and increases nutrients in soil. It is also a method for reusing sediment, which is usually wasted. Thus, selection of suitable areas for flood spreading and directing the flood water into permeable formations are amongst the most effective strategies in flood spreading projects.

The possibilities for recultivation of overgrown areas in Slovenia

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2011

Still, more agricultural land is getting abandoned in Slovenia, specially in less favored areas. Such process of degradation of fertile land is most intensively present in the Obalno-kraska region and Goriska. Similar happens with grassland in mountain region as less and less animals which are suitable for that region are bred there. To prevent brush encroachment and to start recultivation of aban

Land suitability analysis for agriculture in the Abbay basin using remote sensing, GIS and AHP techniques

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

To meet growing population demands for food and other agricultural commodities, agricultural land-use intensification and extensification seems to be increasing in the Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) basin in Ethiopia. However, the amount, location and degree of suitability of the basin for agriculture seem not well studied and/or documented. From global data sources, literature review and field investigation, a number of agricultural land suitability evaluation criteria were identified.

Land Suitability Assessment For Effective Crop Production, a Case Study of Taita Hills, Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2015

Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy. Agriculture in Kenya is characterized by low productivity due to low external inputs, lack of good farming practices, soil erosion, and other losses. In most farming regions of the country, agriculture depends entirely on rainfall which sometimes is scarce. The problem of selecting the correct land for the cultivation of certain crops is a long-standing and mainly empirical issue. The objective of this study is to extrapolate and generate a crop suitability map showing areas suitable for agricultural activities in Taita Hills in Kenya.

Land suitability for oil palm in Kalimantan, Indonesia

Décembre, 2006
Asie orientale

There is an increasing global demand for oil palm, but its production provokes societal debate on the environmental and social aspects that surround it, particularly in southeast Asia. This study, at the request of request of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), ISRIC-World Soil Information, Alterra and Plant Research International, assessed the biophysical land suitability for the production of oil palm in Kalimantan, Indonesia.