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Décret nº 2-00-913 pris pour l'application de la loi nº 58-00 portant création de l'Agence nationale de la conservation foncière, du cadastre et de la cartographie.

Afrique septentrionale

Le présent décret porte dispositions relatives à la composition et au fonctionnement de l'Agence nationale de la conservation foncière, du cadastre et de la cartographie.

Met en oeuvre: Dahir nº 1-02-125 portant promulgation de la loi nº 58-00 portant création de l'Agence nationale de la conservation foncière, du cadastre et de la cartographie. (2002-06-13)
Modifie: Décret nº 2-93-23 relatif aux attributions et à l'organisation du ministère de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire. (1993-05-13)

Law on Municipality.

Asie méridionale

The Law provides for the institution of Municipalities, including villages and lands, for the appointement of a Municipal Council and for the functions and tasks involved, ranging from a cadastral register to the protection of agricultural production, sanitization, water supply and so on.

Land Survey and Statistics Law.

Asie méridionale

The Law provides for the survey and the statistics related to land in order to institute a Land Register, to set land levy on the basis of the surveys and to ascertain ownership's rights. Special forms shall be distributed to landowners who, in turn, must fill them out and the Tax Office shall then include all the forms in the register. A Cadastral Survey Department shall be instituted and appointed to carry out all the surveys and inspections of lands and marking the boundaries of each parcel of property..

Registered Land Act (No. 10 of 1990).

Afrique orientale

“Land” here includes land covered with water and things affixed on land or growing on land (sect. 2). The Act shall apply to any area constituted as a Registration District by the Minister under section 5In each District a land registry shall be maintained in which information set out in section 6 shall be kept. Section 7 concerns appointment of land registration officers. There shall be one Registrar of Land appointed by the President. Powers of this officer are outlined in section 8.

Acuerdo Nº 337 - Disposiciones para la elaboración de la información temática requerida por el Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT).

Amérique du Sud

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Instructivo con las disposiciones para la elaboración de la información temática georeferenciada requerida por el Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT), en relación a las condiciones agrológicas y ambientales de diversos cantones.

Implementa: Acuerdo Nº 76 - Crea la Unidad de apoyo a la ejecución del Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT). (2002-03-19)

Land Law.

Asie orientale

The Law consists of V Parts divided into 57 articles. Part I includes general provisions (A); the right of ownership (B); the use limitation of the ownership right (C); public land (D); adjustment of the ownership right (E). Part II concerns the cadastre, it includes general rules (A); cadastration (B); land registration (C); registration of ownership right amendment (D).

Implementation Measures of the Land Law of Taiwan.

Asie orientale

The Measures are formulated in accordance with the 9th article of the Land Law of Tai Wan, are divided into V Parts: General Provisions (I); Cadastre (II); the Land–use Right (III); Land Tax (IV); and Expropriation (V). The Measures provide for the systematic surveying of the land, the criteria of the land tax and the procedures for the expropriation of the land.

Implements: Land Law. (2000-01-26)

Land Title Act 1994.


This Act concerns the registration of freehold land and other interests in freehold land and it consists of 211 sections and is divided into 12 Parts. Part 2 concerns the administration of the Act, provides for the operation of the land registry and specifies the functions and powers of the registrar. Part 3 is dedicated to the operation of the freehold land register, while Part 4 concerns the registration of land. Part 5 covers the registration of joint holders in lots and Part 6 regulates dealings directly affecting lots, including transferring and lease.