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Samoa Land Registration Order 1920.


This Order shall apply only to Crown land, European land, and European interests in Native land. It shall be the duty of the Registrar appointed under this Order to prepare, in such manner as may be approved by the Chief Judge of the High Court, a register, to be called the Land Register, of the legal title to all Crown land, European land, and European interests in Native land existing in Samoa at the commencement of this Order "European interest in Native land" means any estate or interest held in Native land otherwise than by virtue of Native custom.

Décret nº 2008-2034 fixant les modalités de la tenue du registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipement fixes édifiés dans le cadre des concessions.

Afrique septentrionale

La direction générale du recensement des biens publics au ministère des domaines de l'Etat et des affaires foncières procède à la tenue d'un registre dénommé "registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipements fixes édifiés dans le cadre des concessions". Les droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipements fixes édifiés par les concessionnaires pour l'exercice de leurs activités durant la période des concessions sont inscrits au registre.

Ley Nº 209 - Ley de estabilidad de la propiedad.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley de estabilidad de la propiedad, tiene por objeto el logro de la estabilidad de la titulación para los beneficiarios de la Reforma Agraria y Reforma Urbana. Dispone que las solvencias de Ordenamiento Territorial y las resoluciones denegatorias dictadas por la Oficina de Ordenamiento Territorial (OOT) que se encuentren firmes, tendrán carácter de documento público con el mismo valor legal que establece el Código de Procedimiento Civil.

Revocado por: Ley Nº 278 - Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria. (1997-12-12)

Land Code of the Republic of Armenia, 1991.

Asie occidentale

The Code regulates the land relations on the territory of Armenia and intends to provide effective land use and maintenance, environmental protection and improvement, creation of conditions for equal development of all economic forms based on a variety of property, preservation of rights of citizens, enterprises and organizations, and at legal reinforcement of the rule of law in the sphere of land relations (Preamble). The Code sets out the redistribution of the land stocks by allotting land as property, for permanent use and for temporary use (art.5-7).

Regulation on the register of spatial units.

Europe méridionale

This Regulation provides for the official content of the state register of spatial units; the establishment and keeping of the register; and the content, form and manner of delivery of the registry to the Croatian Central Bureau of Statistics.The register is established for the purpose of creating an official basis for the collection, recording, expression, sharing and connecting of different types of national spatial data.The data register is a part of information system that is established for the purpose of execution of tasks defined by the Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre (b

Law on official land survey.

Europe occidentale

The purpose of the present Law is the correct and efficient enforcement of the federal legislation on official land survey. In particular, article 1 establishes that the political municipalities are responsible for the official land survey. The text consists of 20 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Time of implementation (II); Official boundary and survey marking (III); Contributions and costs (IV); Final provisions (V).

Ordinance relating to the Law on official land survey.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements the federal legislation on official land survey and the Law of 26 November 1995 on official land survey. In particular, article 1 establishes that the Spatial Information Office shall be responsible for the land survey in the Canton St. Gallen. The text consists of 69 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Enforcement (II); Marking (III); First survey and renewal (IV); Updating (V); Access and fees (VI); Subsidies (VII); Final provisions (VIII). One Annex is enclosed.

Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo.

Amérique centrale

Por la presente Ley se establecen las normas y principios básicos de las funciones catastrales y la valuación de los predios. La Dirección General del Catastro es la dependencia del Ejecutivo del Estado que tiene por objeto la formación y conservación del catastro estatal, mediante los sistemas técnicos y administrativos que se establezcan. La Ley clasifica los predios en urbanos, sub-urbanos y rústicos.

Implementado por: Reglamento de la Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo. (2008-07-22)

Decreto Nº 782/81 - Ley de reforma agraria.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley de reforma Agraria garantiza la propiedad de la tierra a todos aquellos que la trabajan productiva y eficientemente (Artículo 1º). Se declaran afecta a la Reforma Agraria: a) Las propiedades ociosas o deficientemente explotadas en manos de personas naturales o jurídicas que sean propietarios de más de 500 manzanas en la Zona A, y más de 1.000 manzanas en la Zona B; b) Las tierras que a la fecha de emisión de la presente Ley estén dadas en arriendo o cedidas bajo cualquier otra modalidad, cuyos propietarios posean más de 500 manzanas en la Zona A.

Lands Commission Act, 2008 (No. 767).

Afrique occidentale

This Act establishes the Lands Commission, in accordance with article 258 of the Constitution as a body corporate, defines the functions of and assigns powers to the Commission and makes provision with respect to its composition and administration and the qualification and appointment of members of the Commission. The headquarters of the Commission shall be in Accra but there shall be in each region a Regional Lands Commission.