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Fiantso Madagascar

Fiantso est une association qui promeut les valeurs démocratiques et les pratiques de bonne gouvernance. Cette raison d'être devrait se traduire par le tissage de rélations entre citoyens et décideurs publics pour améliorer la cohérence des politiques avec besoins du développement local.

FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO Latin America & the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean was the first region to commit to the complete eradication of hunger through the 2025 Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative. This renewed political commitment is based on the full conviction that eradicating hunger in the Region is an achievable target.

Latin America and the Caribbean is at the forefront of the global fight against hunger. It is the Region that has made the most progress in reducing the percentage and total number of people suffering from hunger in the past 20 years.

National Land Commission of Kenya



Excellent administration and management of land for sustainable development



To implement an efficient land administration and management system in order to ensure equity in access to land



  • Efficiency
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Innivativeness
  • Integrity

International Refugee Rights Initiative


IRRI was founded in 2004 to inform and improve responses to the cycles of violence and displacement that are at the heart of large-scale human rights violations. 

Over the last 12 years, we have developed a holistic approach to the protection of human rights before, during, and in the aftermath of displacement, by focusing on: 

  • identifying the violations that cause displacement and exile;
  • protecting the rights of those who are displaced, and

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation


The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) is the largest and oldest academic society dedicated to the study and conservation of tropical ecosystems. Our society is international in scope and membership, with almost 900 members from 65 countries, with whom we seek to:

  1. Promote awareness to as broad an audience as possible of the importance of the tropics
  2. Improve communication and cooperation among tropical investigators, educators, environmental managers, and local communities

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension


We're the outreach college of the University that brings you information to solve problems and deal with critical issues. We have 18 offices to serve you, whether you live on a ranch near the remote Rubies or in an urban setting in Las Vegas.

Our more than 200 personnel - with the help of volunteers - deliver non-degree, educational programs in these areas:

Fundación para el Desarrollo en Justicia y Paz


La Fundación para el Desarrollo en Justicia y Paz – FUNDAPAZ –, es una organización civil, sin fines de lucro, que desde 1973 trabaja por el desarrollo rural sustentable, con comunidades indígenas y familias campesinas, en la región del Chaco argentino.


Contribuir a reducir la pobreza rural en la región chaqueña, promoviendo la participación social, el uso sustentable de los recursos naturales y la articulación entre actores públicos y privados.


Iniciativa por la Democratización de la Comunicación en el Paraguay

La iniciativa por la Democratización de la Comunicación en el Paraguay, integrada por organizaciones sociales conformadas por VOCES Paraguay, la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Campesinas e indígenas COCIP (ONAC, MCNOC, CONAMURI, CNOCIP y la mesa indígena) la Central de Cooperativas de Viviendas por Ayuda Mutua del Paraguay (CCVAMP) la Coordinadora de Empresas Asociativas Rurales Departamentales (CEARD) y la Mesa de Desarrollo de Organizaciones Sociales de Cordillera.

Fundação Nacional do Índio


A Fundação Nacional do Índio – FUNAI é o órgão indigenista oficial do Estado brasileiro. Criada por meio da Lei nº 5.371, de 5 de dezembro de 1967, vinculada ao Ministério da Justiça, é a coordenadora e principal executora da política indigenista do Governo Federal. Sua missão institucional é proteger e promover os direitos dos povos indígenas no Brasil.

Teto Brasil

Somos TETO, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que trabalha por uma sociedade justa e sem pobreza, onde todas as pessoas tenham as oportunidades para desenvolver suas capacidades e exercer plenamente seus direitos.

Há 10 anos no Brasil, o TETO trabalha pela defesa dos direitos de pessoas que vivem em favelas precárias, diminuindo sua vulnerabilidade por meio do engajamento comunitário e mobilização de jovens voluntários e voluntárias.

Uniao Nacional de Camponeses


A UNAC é um movimento de Camponeses, do sector familiar, que luta pela participação activa dos camponeses no processo de desenvolvimento de Moçambique fundado em 1987 e registada em 1994. As mudanças políticas e económicas que se operaram em 1987 motivaram o surgimento desta movimento

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