Community water access, availability and management survey in the Tonle Sap Region, Cambodia
Comparative study of Pithuwa and Chainpur Irrigation Systems
Development of effective water-management institutions, final report, vol.IV, appendix I: basin profiles
Regional study implemented by IWMI with financial support from the Asian Development Bank (RETA 5812)
Farmers' organized behavior in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan's Punjab: a case study of six watercourse command areas in Junejwala Minor, Lower Chenab Canal System
Final report - Program on Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Support Services, phase II. Vol.3 - Irrigation resource inventory: a methodology and decision support tool for assisting farmer-managed irrigation systems
Hydro-institutional mapping in the Steelpoort River Basin, South Africa
Volume 1 of the study on Hydro-Institutional Mapping of the Olifants River Basin. This study aims to give an overview of water users and influences on water use by institutions in the Steelpoort river basin, a sub-basin of the Olifants. Describes a general methodology and framework for setting out the HIM for a river basin and presents findings from case studies in the basin. The hydro-institutional interactions among all types of water users in a South African river basin are also described.
Impacts of farmer participation for water resources management in the Punjab Province, Pakistan: an analysis of process documentation for the Hakra 4-R Distributary
Improving irrigation system management through farmer-to-farmer training: examples from Nepal
Indigenous systems of conflict resolution in Oromia, Ethiopia
Inadequacies in the water reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic: an institutional analysis
This report analyzes the evolving water-management institutions and their performance of five core water management functions, in the context of the ongoing economic and agrarian reform in the Kyrgyz Republic. These core water-management functions are, operation of water systems, maintenance, resource mobilization, conflict resolution and organizational management. The report also identifies key issues and challenges that constrain effective stakeholder participation in water-resources management.