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IssuesfemmeLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 649 - 660 of 947

Legislative Best Practices for Securing Women’s Rights to Community Lands

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

Brief highlights key attributes of national constitutions, laws, and regulations that play a fundamental role in protecting indigenous and rural women’s rights to community forests and other community lands. These legislative best practices were derived from a 2017 analysis of over 400 national laws and regulations, Power and Potential, which evaluates the extent to which women’s rights to community forests are recognized by national law in 30 low- and middle-income countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Making Women’s Voices Count in Community Decision-Making on Land Investments

Reports & Research
Juin, 2016

Examines options for strengthening women’s participatory rights in the face of increasing commercial pressures on land in 3 countries: Mozambique, Tanzania, and the Philippines. Focuses on how regulatory reform – reforms in the rules, regulations, guidelines, and procedures that implement national land acquisition and investment laws – can promote gender equity and allow women to realize the rights afforded by national legal frameworks and international standards.

Land Policy Options for Development and Poverty Reduction

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2008

Presentation of civil society views for pro-poor land policies and laws in Zambia. Includes introduction and background; overview of the land policy options paper; context setting for policy development; policy options; implementation framework. Lays emphasis on protection of customary land, ability to convert leasehold back to customary land, need for size limits, 30% state land allocation should go to women, awareness raising on joint registration.

Women and Land Rights

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

Gives an overview on how to consider gender aspects in projects and programmes addressing land rights. Covers land policy, land legislation, implementation of land laws, enforcement, land administration, example of indicators.

The Role of the Lands Tribunal in Handling Land Disputes in General and Traditional Land in Particular

Reports & Research
Avril, 2005

Examines the jurisdiction of the Lands Tribunal, its operations, composition, funding and secretariat. Urges the Government to finalise its draft Land Policy and revise the 1995 Lands Act. Recommends that the Lands Tribunal be decentralised to be accessible to poor women and men, that it publicise its work more and that its capacity and resources be increased. There is also a need to strengthen traditional structures and appeal mechanisms to provide a balance to the power of chiefs.

Digging deep: The impact of Uganda’s land rush on women’s rights

Reports & Research
Février, 2018

Includes methodology and research sites; land, the law and women’s rights in Uganda; women’s rights – lost in the land rush; economic policy and land as a commodity; women’s rights activists – promoting women’s land rights; recommendations. Uganda’s eco-feminist movement is one of several working at the interface of environmental degradation, corporate human rights abuses and patriarchy, urgently building women’s campaigning and resistance skills.

Genre, foncier et gestion durable des terres au Burkina Faso (Rapport)

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2017
Burkina Faso

Date: 2 août 2018


Malgré les considérables efforts visant à encourager l’adoption des pratiques de Gestion Durable des Terres, les taux d’adoption demeurent faibles, notamment parmi les femmes agricultrices, les migrants, les jeunes et les éleveurs (Koudougou & Stiem 20172). Ces groupes défavorisés jouent pourtant un rôle primordial dans l’agriculture familiale et dans la sécurité alimentaire.


Violência Contra a Mulher em um Assentamento Rural de Reforma Agrária do Nordeste Brasileiro

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir a violência contra a mulher entre moradoras de um assentamento rural de reforma agrária, as peculiaridades da violência, bem como as formas de suporte e apoio social. A violência contra a mulher constitui um problema de saúde pública, agravando-se no contexto rural, o qual é organizado segundo uma divisão tradicional de papéis de gênero. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa e como ferramenta se utilizou a entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram da pesquisa 9 mulheres maiores de 18 anos moradoras de um assentamento rural.