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Issuesdéveloppement ruralLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 541 - 552 of 971

Appraising and selecting strategies to combat and mitigate desertification based on stakeholder knowledge and global best practices in cape verde archipelago

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Desertification is the most disturbing and detrimental cause of rural vulnerability in Cape Verde, affecting families' material and environmental resources. Combating desertification in Cape Verde is complex because it involves addressing a mixture of endogenous (manual agriculture, fuel wood and fodder extraction, land tenure and steep slopes) and exogenous drivers (high rainfall variability, climate change, prolonged drought or heavy rainfall).

Impacts of agricultural land-use dynamics on erosion risks and options for land and water management in Northern Mongolia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

In Mongolia, nomadic herders have successfully been grazing livestock for more than a millennium. However, in recent years, concerns have increased that changes in management and higher livestock stocking rates may negatively affect vegetation and increase soil erosion, overland flow and sediment load of rivers. In addition, ambitious agricultural policies increase the intensity of agricultural land use thus enforcing a conversion of grassland to agricultural land which is far more susceptible to erosion.

Community education and integrated organization of rural areas based on land consolidation processes in Poland

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2015

Any activities aimed at rural area development should not disregard the inhabitants who are "the tools" that implement given mechanisms. To a large extent, the effectiveness of social activities is determined by the participants’ expectations towards the projects and their knowledge of the subject. Land consolidation projects are the ideal tools for rural development. Land consolidation may be described as the planned readjustment of land ownership patterns with the aim of creating larger and more rational land holdings.

Finding a way to legality, local coordination modes and public policies in large-scale irrigation schemes in Algeria and Morocco

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009

The design of public policy related to irrigation sectors in North Africa was often based on the state view. Local farmers' organizations, made up of family farms, did not contribute to building the legal framework, which was in turn unable to propose specific solutions for family farming. Legal reforms currently underway in Morocco and Algeria show how difficult it is to integrate field realities. Access to land and water resources is often obtained through informal local coordination modes.

Structural and land use change of farms in the periurban area of Budapest – case study of Veresegyház subregion

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet, 2010

During the last decade 80% of municipalities in Pest county recorded population growth – of whicha significant part is as a result of people moving out from Budapest (KSH, 2009). Accordingly, areas in thevicinity of Budapest face high levels of urban sprawl. This has significantly contributed to the transition of farmsystems in this periurban area, which in the Hungarian post communism context was and still is a challengingissue and has led to several socio-economic and environmental problems.

Rural development in Baltic States: case study of Lithuania (survey of the last century)

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2013

Aim of the paper: in order to create the new most appropriate model of rural development in Lithuania, it is necessary to analyse specific situation, created under the influence of the last century historical events and its long-term consequences. Lithuania, as well as other Baltic states, has created the agrarian sector under the very complicated economical, social, and cultural circumstances. Each Baltic state (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) had some specific features of rural development, which were formed during the last century.

Land-use and land-base patterns in non-industrial private forests: Factors affecting forest management in Northern Spain

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009

There is increasing worldwide interest in land-use allocation and management within the sphere of rural planning and development. The study of land-use patterns mainly focuses on understanding the practices and values of individuals involved, and no debate of this issue would be complete without taking into account non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership as a key component in most rural areas worldwide.


Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

Eltelt két évtized és hazánk, valamint az agrárvilág újra attól hangos, mint két évtizeddel ezelőtt, hogy kié lesz a föld? Ebben sok minden közrejátszott, de mindenekelőtt az, hogy a rendszerváltozáshoz ziláltan érkezett az agrárgazdaság, a vidék, s a földek reprivatizációja helyett kárpótlásra került sor, elmaradt a parasztság rehabilitációja, s főleg hogy egyetlen kormány sem foglalkozott stratégiai, szociális, környezetfenntartó súlyának megfelelően a vidékkel, a mezőgazdasággal. Ugyan 2001-ben lépéseket kezdeményeztek a családi gazdaságok felkarolására, de ez nem folytatódott.