Insect pests and diseases in Indonesian forest: an assessment of the major threats, research efforts and literature
To understand the potential role of forest products in household livelihoods, a study of the woodcraft industry in Zimbabwe was initiated. The woodcraft industry has increased steadily since the late 1980s. The factors driving the upsurge in the woodcraft industry are: (1) the increased demand by tourists; and (2) the need by rural households to find cash income sources. The structural adjustment programme, with one of its emphases being the decontrol of the currency, has probably played a key role in driving the rise in woodcraft production.
Insuring African livestock: Development of the world’s first insurance for African pastoralist herds.
Integration of remote sensing techniques for resource evaluation in pastoral systems research
Reviews most recent applications of methodologies for resource surveys appropriate to pastoral & agro-pastoral regions in Africa, with particular reference to remote sensing methodologies, viz. satellite imagery, aerial photography, side-looking radar (SLR), spectral radiance and low-altitutde aerial survey. Discusses the integration of remote sensing techniques with ground truth within the context of rapid appraisal methods and early warning procedures within a livestock systems research approach.
Interactive land-use planning in Indonesia rainforest landscapes: reconnecting plans to practice
International Livestock Research Institute. Medium-term plan 2009-11
This strategy takes into account the new market opportunities being created for small-scale livestock producers by increasing local and global demand for high-quality livestock products (termed the Livestock Revolution) and the many pathways by which livestock has traditionally reduced poverty.
Integrated natural resource management research in the CGIAR: a brief report on the INRM Workshop held in Penang, Malaysia, 21-25 August 2000
CGIAR system-wide meeting on integrated natural resource management (INRM). The second was held from 20-25 August 2000, at the new headquarters of ICLARM in Penang, Malaysia. Convened by the Centre Directors Natural Resouce Managemnet Task Force, four dozen scientists from 13 of the 16 CGIAR centres and their partner institutions discussed integrated natural resource management in relation to the CGIAR's research program. This report summarises some of the issues discussed at that meeting.
International Livestock Research Institute: medium-term plan 2010-12
This 2010-12 MTP presents relatively few adjustments to research plans from the previous MTP. One main cross-cutting change in the ILRI research program in 2010 will be to accelerate efforts to align research activities to the livestock development challenges presented. In preparation for that, ILRI is conducting a center-commissioned external review in 2009 looking at research into sustainable intensification of smallholder crop-livestock systems to provide a review of past activities and advice on this future focal area.