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Issuessécurité alimentaireLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 889 - 900 of 1593

Climate change, policy change: Five policy lessons to support women farmers in a changing climate

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2015

Climate change demands new approaches to agriculture: farmers’ practices will need to change to adapt to and mitigate the effects of changing conditions. Addressing gender inequality is key to ensuring this outcome. Agriculture is a fundamental part of women’s livelihoods globally, most markedly in least developed countries, where four-fifths of economically active women report agriculture as their primary economic activity1 . More women are moving into agriculture as men move elsewhere for seasonal or paid labor.

Climate Smart Agriculture in the African Context

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2015

Agriculture remains vital to the economy of most African countries and its development

has significant implications for food security and poverty reduction in the region. Increase

in agricultural production over the past decades has mainly been due to land area expansion,

with very little change in production techniques and limited improvement in yields.

Currently one in four people remains malnourished in Africa. CSA integrates all three dimensions of sustainable development and is aimed at (1)

Climate-Smart Agriculture: Farmers' Perspectives

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2014
Asie orientale
Afrique australe
Afrique occidentale

Transitioning to climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in the African context requires a transformational architecture — a systematic shift away from business as usual and a comprehensive programme for building the adaptive capacity of physical, socio-economic, human and institutional dimensions of farming systems. Manyewu Mutamba of the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) and Mainza Mugoya of the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) argue that African agriculture is long overdue for a radical transformation to increase productivity sustainably.

Climate-Smart Livestock Interventions in West Africa: A Review

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016
Burkina Faso
Afrique occidentale

The livestock sector is one of the major contributors in agriculture, by some estimates

contributing up to 18% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Of this, about one

third is reported to be due to land use change associated with livestock production, another

one third is nitrous oxide from manure and slurry management, and roughly 25% is attributed

to methane emissions from ruminant digestion. Recent analysis suggests that developing

world regions contribute about two thirds of the global emissions from ruminants, with sub-

Combining Crop Models and Remote Sensing for Yield Prediction: Concepts, Applications and Challenges for Heterogeneous Smallholder Environments

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2012

JRC, CCAFS jointly sponsored the workshop on June 13-14, 2012, at the JRC in Ispra, Italy, to identify avenues for exploiting remote sensing information to improving crop forecasting in smallholder farming environments. The workshop’s objectives were: