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Comparative Study on Practices and Lessons in Land Use Planning and Land Allocation in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2004
Viet Nam

The overall objectives of the study were to collect and analyse LUP methodologies in the 4 countries and to assess the experiences and lessons learned during implementation. The comparative assessment would include land use planning approaches at various levels, ranging from participatory village level LUP activities to the elaboration of land use master plans at provincial or even regional level. Finally, recommendations were to be formulated for the countries as well as for the sub-region as a whole.

‘Voluntary’ Migration in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2007

This paper is part of a collection of five policy briefs was commissioned by the World Bank for the 2009 World Development Report Reshaping Economic Geography. Through relocation policies, the Government of Lao PDR seeks to transform what it considers to be a traditional, rural economy into a modernised market-oriented system by eradicating shifting cultivation, changing the way that land is allocated and by reaching communities.

Flood Forests, Fish, and Fishing Villages - Tonle Sap Cambodia: Community Forest Management Trends in Cambodia

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2004

The study describes the experiences of Kompong Phluk, a Khmer community that has been attempting to protect its flood forests and fishing grounds for the past fifty years. The authors examine how the community, assisted by the FAO project, has developed a resource management organization, formulated rules and regulations, sought government approval, and designed a comprehensive resource management plan. The report also details some of the challenges and issues that they have faced in the process.

Participatory Poverty Assessment II

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2006

This participatory poverty assessment (PPA 2006) comprises one component of ADB’s Technical Assistance to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic for Institutional Strengthening for Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation. The goal of this PPA, as with the first PPA in 2000, is to complement the statistical analyses of poverty in a meaningful way and to record the experiences and concerns of the poor in order to initiate and identify more effective forms of public and private actions to alleviate poverty.

Study on Land Allocation to Individual Households in Rural Areas of Lao PDR

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2004

The legal framework for land use planning and land allocation (LUP/LA) in Lao PDR has been analysed based on the relevant laws (Land Law, Forest Law, Agricultural Law etc.). A national LUP/LA program under the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has been created in 1996. Until 2003, district agricultural and forestry staff have conducted LUP/LA activities in a total of 5400 villages in all provinces of Lao PDR. It is estimated that approximately 300.000 Temporary Land Use Certificates have been issued as a result of LUP/LA.

Vietnam Land Registration from Terminology to the Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2006
Viet Nam

Vietnam Land Administration system has implemented successfully the land policy in recent decades. In the next phase of socio-economic development plan, land is requested to become important domestic resources for many investment projects. Obviously, land registration needs further development so that land use rights or land use right certificate can be used as asset in the open market. In the past ten years, many improved on land registration was undertaken. Many first-look problems have been identified and fixed. The issues of Vietnam land registration are more difficult to identify.

La finca familiar El Sauce, Vereda El Salitre

Reports & Research
Juin, 2014

Se trata de una familia bogotana de raíz campesina que retorna al agro en busca de su autosuficiencia alimentaria. La familia logra comprar un predio en la vereda El Salitre, donde establece su vivienda permanente y desarrolla su producción agroecológica a través de prácticas de resguardo, resilencia y sostenibilidad para con la tierra, los recursos y el paisaje.

Memoria: arma de lucha por la tierra Asentamiento Comunidad Campesina Arsenio Báez

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2015

El asentamiento Arsenio Báez es fruto de una de las largas y penosas luchas por la tierra que se dio en Paraguay, desde la caída de la dictadura en 1989. Cuenta con 346 hectáreas, en promedio las familias tienen entre 3 y 5. Luego de años de lucha, el Estado paraguayo procedió a expropiar la tierra a favor de los ocupantes.