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IssuesenvironnementLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1717 - 1728 of 3179

Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
Juillet, 2015

Previous studies have combined climate, crop and economic models to examine the impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security, but results have varied widely due to differences in models, scenarios and input data. Recent work has examined (and narrowed) these differences through systematic model intercomparison using a high-emissions pathway to highlight the differences. This paper extends that analysis to explore a range of plausible socioeconomic scenarios and emission pathways.

Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Report for policy and decision makers

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Août, 2015

Considering the figures given in the foreword and found in the literature about the on-going and increasing degradation of land and land-based ecosystems and their productivity, this indicates a pressing need to re-design current policies and clearly defined guidance for future action for sustainable land management.

Research on land use decisions to carry out remote sensing:A case study on Gediz Delta

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2011

Gediz Delta is place of empties itself into the sea of Gediz River. Its one of the important wetland of Turkey which under the protection of Ramsar Convention. It has lots of lagoones, salt marshes, freshwater marshes, large saltpans and also ornitotourism place Kuş Cenneti. Gediz Delta has rich flora and fauna biodiversity because of this its important place for natural life sustainability.

Potential impact of the EU 2003 CAP reform on land idling decisions of French landowners: results from a survey of intentions

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

The 2003 reform of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced Single Farm Payments (SFPs) which are decoupled payments conditional on cross-compliance, and allows these payments to be claimed for land kept fully idle but maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC). This paper focuses on the potential impact of the reform on land idling decisions in France with the help of a survey of the intentions of landowners.


Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2008

The agriculture has an outstanding importance both in social and economic point of view, especially in the countries where the agriculture plays a vital role in economy. This paper mainly focuses on the situation in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). The share of agriculture in CEECs is more significant both in GDP and employment than in the old member states of EU. To be competitive on the single market, we have to know the advantages and disadvantages, strength and weakness of different sectors of agriculture.

Interactions entre systèmes fourragers et systèmes de grandes cultures à l'échelle d'un territoire. Intérêts pour l'environnement

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2007

In certain regions where mixed farming prevails, the specialization of the farms (with the progressive disappearance of livestock) has brought about uniform methods of land occupation which run counter the environmental functions of farming. For that matter, grasslands and perennial covers have beneficial effects, but their insertion or their maintenance have to be thought out at the territorial scale.

Potential impact of the EU 2003 CAP reform on land idling decisions of French landowners: results from a survey of intentions

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

The 2003 reform of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced Single Farm Payments (SFPs) which are decoupled payments conditional on cross-compliance, and allows these payments to be claimed for land kept fully idle but maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC). This paper focuses on the potential impact of the reform on land idling decisions in France with the help of a survey of the intentions of landowners.

Identification Of Important Criteria In Farm Systems Decisions Around Lake Taupo

Conference Papers & Reports
Août, 2005

Nitrogen leaching from agriculture contributes to contamination of Lake Taupo. Multiple criteria decision making was used to compare fourteen pre-defined farming systems which reduced, or maintained nitrogen losses. Case study participants included three to four each of Maori Incorporation representatives, owner-operators, Environment Waikato employees, and researchers. The total group identified criteria that were important in choosing between the systems. Profit and nitrogen outputs were provided for the systems.

Une approche multi-échelles des arbitrages entre production fourragère et biodiversité dans un agroécosystème prairial

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Agri-environmental measures have not been able to halt the decline of biodiversity in agricultural systems. Agricultural practices aimed at preserving diversity on a field scale appear to be deficient. This study models the interactions between grazing/mowing practices and the ecological dynamics of two grassland bird species (Northern Lapwing and Common Redshank) at three nested spatial scales (field, farm and landscape). On a field scale, grazing periods and intensity determine the balance between production and conservation.

Water management and multiple land use: the dutch approach: competing and complementary functions in water management

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Climate change, food crises and deterioration of the environment create immense challenges in water management. In the Netherlands land subsidence, high population density and intensity of land use aggravate these problems. Increased awareness of these problems and civil society's participation in the discussions complicate these challenges. The Netherlands' Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG), an organisation specialising in integrated land development, has tackled these problems at a regional/local scale.