Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State, Myanmar
To frame a model contract farming law, precondition to make it business-friendly
Mitigating drought in drylands: Quantifying the potential for strengthening crop- and livestock-based livelihoods
Global cropping intensity gaps: Increasing food production without cropland expansion
Agricultural value chain finance in India: Issues and implications
Production risks, risk preference and contract farming: Impact on food security in India
This article reviews the literature on contract farming (CF) in India and assesses the impact of smallholders’ perceived production risks on the adoption of CF; the impact of CF on smallholders’ food security; and its impact on employment generation in their farming enterprises. We also show the impact of the outcome variables by risk preference of smallholders. Using farm-level data and endogenous switching regression methods, this study presents three key findings.
Should developing countries invest more in less-favoured areas? An empirical analysis of rural India
Environmental perception of desertification process in Peru
“Environmental Perception Process of Desertification in Perú”, try to do an analysis and evaluation of Peruvian territory in terms of enviromental degradation due to problems of biodiversity loss, progressive loss of productive capacity land ecosystem in the climaterelevant ecological Peruvian territory. The purpose is to know the territorial spaces with problems of environmental degradation and prevention alternatives to existing problems.
Ruralidad en contextos metropolitanos, un desafío en procesos de planeación, ordenamiento territorial y gestión
La planificación, el ordenamiento territorial y la gestión de la ruralidad requieren una aproximación y consenso en torno a la noción de lo rural en contextos metropolitanos, sistémicamente interdependiente al fenómeno de urbanización, dinámica poblacional, modelo económico y de ocupación de la región, a fin de develar las nuevas funciones o roles estratégicos que cumple dicho espacio en el desarrollo, desde la perspectiva culturalista de sostenibilidad, recuperación y mejora de la conectividad ecosistémica, hasta el surgimiento social y económico de diversificación de la actividad producti