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Countries Sierra Leone related News

Sierra Leone

Displaying 1 - 12 of 61
12 Décembre 2022
Data limite: 31-Dez-22   O objetivo do projeto é abordar a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento econômico inclusivo para as mulheres africanas. Especificamente, o Projeto visa aumentar a capacidade e a sustentabilidade dos capacitadores que apóiam as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (WSMEs - sigla em…
6 Décembre 2022
The Land Portal is hiring researchers with expertise on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana,  and The Gambia. We are particularly seeking qualified applicants for Sierra Leone and will keep positions open until they are filled.  Job Description Each consultant will undertake…
6 Décembre 2022
O Land Portal está contratando pesquisadores(as) com experiência na Libéria, Serra Leoa, Zimbábue, Sudão, Moçambique, Gana e Gâmbia. Aplicar até 20 de janeiro.​ Descrição do trabalho​ Cada consultor(a) realizará uma pesquisa documental completa e conduzirá um estudo de escopo no respectivo país…
15 Août 2022
Télécharger le dernier bulletin sur la sécurité alimentaire (a)   15 août 2022 – Le niveau record des prix alimentaires est à l’origine d’une crise mondiale qui va plonger plusieurs millions de personnes supplémentaires dans l’extrême pauvreté et aggraver la faim et la malnutrition, menaçant des…
10 Août 2022
Lundi, le Parlement de la Sierra Leone a adopté une loi sur les droits fonciers coutumiers. “The Customary Land Rights Act 2022” devrait permettre à tout Sierra-Léonais, homme ou femme et quel que soit sa communauté d'origine, de pouvoir être propriétaire de parcelles dans son pays, rapporte Africa…
9 Août 2022
Freetown, August 8, 2022 – Sierra Leone’s Parliament has passed two groundbreaking bills that transform communities’ ability to protect their land rights and the environment. The new legislation serves as a model for the rest of the world.   Passed by unanimous votes, the Customary Land Rights and…
8 Août 2022
 Sierra Leone's parliament on Monday passed two laws that lawyers say will help boost the rights of rural landowners and women against land grabs by big mining and agribusiness firms. The West African country has a history of sometimes deadly conflict between local communities and foreign companies…
20 Juillet 2022
This interview is part of a series with the Blended Finance Project a group of unions, non-governmental organizations and academics who are concerned about the Canadian government’s embrace of what is called “blended finance.” We argue that blended finance is merely the latest iteration of the…
8 Juillet 2022
Malen Chiefdom sits on a dusty highway, 90 minutes’ drive from the district capital of Pujehun in southern Sierra Leone. The past decade has seen the landscape here transformed. Gone are the bushlands and subsistence farms more typical of this region. In their stead are thousands of hectares of oil…
18 Mars 2022
Un énième scandale frappe la RSPO Freetown, Bruxelles, Amsterdam [18 mars 2022] - La Table ronde sur l’huile de palme durable (RSPO) a certifié la filiale de Socfin en Sierra Leone en janvier 2022, malgré de nombreux conflits fonciers, des violences contre les défenseurs·ses des droits humains…
21 Janvier 2022
Location: Livestream on the GFFA website ( If you want to participate actively in the Global Forum on Food & Agriculture and receive information about all events, please register here: Languages: German, English, French…
19 Mai 2021
O Centro de Ética Energética lançou o concurso Africa@2050 Ficção Climática, uma iniciativa para reunir escritores e pesquisadores com o objetivo de elaborar, de forma colaborativa, soluções inovadoras e de futuro para os desafios colocados pelas mudanças climáticas ao continente africano e ao…