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Countries Jordanie related Event


Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
11 Janvier 2015 to 15 Janvier 2015
Venue: King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center (KHBTCC) by Hilton, Dead Sea Water is increasingly becoming a binding constraint on Arab development. According to the Arab Development Challenges Report 2011 by UNDP; available renewable fresh water resources per capita in the Arab world are among…
26 Février 2018 to 28 Février 2018
United Arab Emirates
The Government of the United Arab Emirates in partnership with the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat, the Arab League and the Arab Union of Surveyors heldthe first Arab Land Conference that will be hosted by the Dubai Land Department and held in Dubai, UAE, from 26-28 /February/…
Global Land Tool Network, World Bank Group
4 Mars 2019 to 6 Mars 2019
Amman Jordan
Based on the request of several key partners in the Forum on Modern Land Administration due to schedule conflicts with other activities and events that they are committed to, the organisation committee has decided to postpone the Forum to autumn 2019.   The Forum is being organized by the Jordanian…
Kadaster International
22 Février 2021 to 24 Février 2021
Cairo Egypt
The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt was pleased to announce the Second Arab Land Conference, organized under the patronage of the Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities. The Conference was organized by the Housing and Building National Research Centre (HBRC)…
Global Land Tool Network, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, World Bank Group, Government of Egypt
22 Février 2021 to 24 Février 2021
Cairo Egypt
Le Gouvernement de la République arabe d’Égypte a eu le plaisir d’annoncer la deuxième Conférence sur la terre arabe, organisée sous le patronage du Ministre égyptien du logement, des services publics et des communautés urbaines.   La conférence était organisée par le Centre national de recherche…
Global Land Tool Network, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, World Bank Group, Government of Egypt
21 Mai 2022 to 26 Mai 2022
  Au carrefour de l’Asie, de l’Europe et de l’Afrique, la Jordanie est souvent décrite comme une « oasis de stabilité » dans la région. Malgré sa petite taille, il a une riche histoire d’empires et de civilisations qui en ont fait le pays qu’il est aujourd’hui. Tout en faisant face à de…
International Land Coalition, European Union, International Union for Conservation of Nature , Transparency International
21 Mai 2022 to 26 Mai 2022
At the intersection of Asia, Europe and Africa, Jordan is often described as an ‘oasis of stability’ in the region. Despite its small size, it boasts a rich history of empires and civilizations that have made it the country it is today. While it faces serious challenges, including water…
International Land Coalition, European Union, International Union for Conservation of Nature , Transparency International
26 Mars 2022 to 31 Mars 2022
No cruzamento da Ásia, Europa e África, a Jordânia é freqüentemente descrita como um "oásis de estabilidade" na região. Apesar de seu pequeno tamanho, tem uma rica história de impérios e civilizações que fizeram dele o país em que se tornou hoje. Enquanto enfrenta sérios desafios, incluindo…
21 Mai 2022 to 26 Mai 2022
En la intersección de Asia, Europa y África, Jordania se describe a menudo como un "oasis de estabilidad" en la región. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, cuenta con una rica historia de imperios y civilizaciones que la han convertido en el país que es hoy. Aunque se enfrenta a graves problemas, como…
International Land Coalition, European Union, International Union for Conservation of Nature , Transparency International