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Number of farm households with single person management - Female
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with single person management, being the manager a woman. The data comes from Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with single person management - Male
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with single person management, being the manager a man. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with single person management - Total
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with single person management. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with two person management - Male and Female jointly
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with two person management, being the managers a man and a woman jointly. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with two person management - Total
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with two person management. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with two person management - Two Females
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with two person management, being the managers two women. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of farm households with two person management - Two Males
The indicator measures the total number ('000) of farm households with two person management, being the managers two men. The data comes from tLao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, which was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of households - Total
The indicator measures the total number of households in Lao. The data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 1998/99 and 2010/11. The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of jobs created resulting from FLR activities included under Bonn Challenge Commitment
This indicator reflects one of the socioeconomic impacts of FLR activities under the Bonn Challenge. In particular, it measures the number of jobs created resulting from FLR activities included under Bonn Challenge Commitment
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings
The indicator measures the total number of land holdings in Lao. The data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 1998/99 and 2010/11. The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with more than one tenure form - Other than Owned and Rented
This indicator measures the number of land holdings ('000) under more than one tenure form other than owned or rented land in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with more than one tenure form - Owned and Rented
This indicator the number of land holdings ('000) under more than one tenure form, both owing and renting land in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with more than one tenure form - Total
This indicator measures the total number of land holdings ('000) under more than one tenure form in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with one tenure form - Other than Owned or Rented
This indicator measures the number of land holdings ('000) under one tenure form other than owned or rented in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with one tenure form - Owned
This indicator measures the number of land holdings ('000) under one tenure form and in particular owing land in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit:
Number of land holdings with one tenure form - Rented
This indicator measures the number of land holdings ('000) under one tenure form, and in particular renting land in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.
Measurement unit: