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Countries South Africa related Blog post

South Africa

Displaying 49 - 57 of 57
20 August 2018
Disabled people have been increasingly recognised as the most marginalised group in any society. This group faces various structural, political and systemic barriers hindering their access, participation and contribution in the economy. Positioned in the margins, ignored and left behind, they…
18 June 2018
Sobantu Mzwakali
The failure to secure the property rights of rural communities shows a clear policy gap between citizens and rights to land as per the Constitution and the attitude and practices of the state, traditional leaders, white farmers and mining companies in relation to such rights.  Absent from the…
5 June 2018
Date: 4 juin 2018 Source: Afrikipresse Par: Eustace Davie En 1991, le gouvernement de l'apartheid reconnaissait sa violation la plus grave des droits de l'homme : le refus de la propriété des terres aux Sud-Africains noirs. Comment ? Le gouvernement adopta la loi sur la mise à niveau des…
16 April 2018
Tshintsha Amakhaya
The dominant debates about land in South Africa often focus on the transfer of land from a few white hands to the black majority. The discussion seldom unpacks who constitutes the “black majority” as this is not a homogeneous group. In instances where the debate touches on land use, again the focus…
5 April 2018
Date: 3 avril 2018 Source: Afrikipresse Par: Martin Van Staden, analyste pour The Free Market Foundation Tous les progrès réalisés depuis la fin de l'apartheid risquent d’être annihilés à moins que les gens reconnaissent qu'un des droits fondamentaux de l'homme est de pouvoir posséder et…
21 March 2018
Klaus W. Deininger
Many of today’s increasingly complex development challenges, from rapid urban expansion to climate change, disaster resilience, and social inclusion, are intimately tied to land and the way it is used. Addressing these challenges while also ensuring individuals and communities are able to make full…
26 December 2010
Mark Misselhorn
Government should address informal settlement housing backlog in the country. Addressing challenges posed by informal settlements will help government to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals such as providing access to basic water and sanitation. Underlying socio-economic causes of…
More than 20 years into its democracy, South Africa is still a long way from returning all 24.5 million hectares of land back to the communities who were dispossessed of it during apartheid. Inefficient and shadowy processes, unclear government policy, burgeoning reparation costs and corruption…
Date: 14 mars 2017 Source: Le Monde Afrique Par Jean-Philippe Rémy Lettre de Johannesburg. Sous la pression de l’opposition, l’ANC envisage de remettre en cause l’inviolabilité de la propriété privée garantie par la Constitution post-apartheid pour assurer un meilleur partage des richesses…