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Countries Somalia related News


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9 May 2024
Foto: EU/ECHO Martin Karimi/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) Mais de 234 mil pessoas foram forçadas a abandonar as suas casas no Burundi, Quênia, Ruanda, Somália, Etiópia e Tanzânia; Organização Internacional para Migrações disse que alterações climáticas estão tirando vidas e deslocando comunidades…
29 November 2023
Foto: Theresa Carpenter/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) Centenas de pessoas já morreram na Somália e no Quênia; alerta para riscos de piora da precipitação está em vigor até quinta-feira; Cruz Vermelha no Uganda diz estar preparada para apoiar vítimas.  Pelo menos 96 pessoas morreram após inundações causadas…
1 September 2023
Foto: UN Women/Flickr Secretário-geral pede ampla mobilização a ativistas que se encontram até domingo em Nairóbi; evento acontece antes da Semana do Clima em África; Unicef coloca Guiné-Bissau entre nações com maior risco dos impactos das alterações climáticas. A capital queniana, Nairóbi, acolhe…
28 August 2023
Foto: EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid/Flickr Organização Meteorológica Mundial alerta para riscos de inundações; situação pode afetar comunidades e meios de subsistência; precipitações acontecem após três temporadas de seca que causaram grave crise humanitária. O Chifre da África deve…
17 August 2023
This story was originally published in The New Humanitarian Mohamed Gabobe - Freelance journalist based in Mogadishu, Somalia Abdirahman Ahmed Aden - Freelance journalist and filmmaker Obi Anyadike, Senior Editor, Africa   War and drought is emptying Somalia’s countryside, creating a surge in…
28 September 2022
Somalia is facing a "very alarming" situation after more than four years of drought have devastated livestock many people depend upon, a top UN official said on Tuesday. The United Nations has warned that the Horn of Africa nation is on the brink of famine for the second time in just over a decade…
7 September 2022
The Horn of Africa region is on the brink of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, the United Nations and several aid organisations have said. Millions of people are facing food insecurity, as scientists and aid groups warned that Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia could be experiencing their worst…
5 September 2022
Famine “is at the door” in Somalia, with “concrete indications” that parts of the south-central Bay region will be in famine between October and December this year without an urgent surge in aid, the UN warned today. “This is the final warning to all of us,” the UN’s humanitarian chief, Martin…
5 September 2022
Famine “is at the door” in Somalia, with “concrete indications” that parts of the south-central Bay region will be in famine between October and December this year without an urgent surge in aid, the UN warned today. “This is the final warning to all of us,” the UN’s humanitarian chief, Martin…
8 August 2022
Ignoring the plight of 20 million people in the Horn of Africa is a political choice. The 20 million people struggling to survive a scorching drought in the Horn of Africa are victims not only of a climate crisis but of the failings of governments and humanitarians to heed the lessons from earlier…
31 May 2022
MOGADISHU —  At a news conference in Mogadishu, Somalia’s special envoy for humanitarian issues on Monday said more than six million Somalis were affected by the record drought. Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsameh said the number of people suffering was quickly approaching half of Somalia’s population.…
26 May 2022
The polls have delivered a new chapter for the country, allowing attention to turn to other pressing problems.  After a 15-month delay in voting, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud became Somalia’s new president on 15 May. Political leaders had disagreed over the election process, including whether to conduct…