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Countries Japan related News


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3 February 2023
By Nieves Zúñiga This story has been developed as part of Nieves' 2022 LEDE Fellowship project awarded by the Solutions Journalism Network and developed in collaboration with Land Portal. Reforestation using the Miyawaki method seeks to restore nature to its original state with results that can be…
15 August 2022
Télécharger le dernier bulletin sur la sécurité alimentaire (a)   15 août 2022 – Le niveau record des prix alimentaires est à l’origine d’une crise mondiale qui va plonger plusieurs millions de personnes supplémentaires dans l’extrême pauvreté et aggraver la faim et la malnutrition, menaçant des…
22 September 2019
As frutas e verduras cultivadas pelo japonês Yuichi Mori não estão no chão nem precisam de terra. Em vez disso, as raízes das plantações estão fincadas em um dispositivo que servia originalmente para tratamento médico de rins humanos.   Mori faz seu cultivo em uma película de polímero transparente…
19 April 2019
Japan enacted legislation Friday aimed at protecting and promoting the culture of the Ainu ethnic minority through financial assistance, while at the same time stipulating for the first time that they are an “indigenous” people. The law requires the central and local governments to promote Ainu…
16 February 2019
The Ainu people have long been repressed by a forced-assimilation policy which has resulted in significant income and education gaps. After suffering decades of discrimination, Japan’s Ainu minority community will officially be recognized - for the first time - as an Indigenous people, under the…
8 January 2019
The Yomiuri ShimbunThe Japanese government intends to propose that Japan and Russia mutually abandon rights to compensation and other claims over the four northern islands during negotiations on a peace treaty, according to sources close to the bilateral talks. The idea has emerged to form an…
20 November 2018
A pesquisadora japonesa Sayaka Funada-Classen passou vários anos em Moçambique A conferência em Tóquio (de 20 a 22 de novembro de 2018) reúne representantes de várias organizações não governamentais e instituições de pesquisa dos três países cujos governos deram origem ao projeto ProSavana:…
12 November 2018
Um projeto que unia o Governo de Moçambique, a Agência Japonesa de Cooperação Internacional (Jica, em inglês) e a Agência Brasileira de Cooperação (ABC – vinculada ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores) foi enfrentado pelas organizações de camponeses dos três países, a ponto de ser deixado de lado…
Date: 04 mars 2016 Source: France Info Greenpeace remet en cause la stratégie de décontamination du gouvernement japonais. Les conséquences de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima vont affecter la faune et la flore pendant des dizaines d'années. Tous les efforts du gouvernement japonais pour…
By: Khine Kyaw Date: March 10th 2016 Source: The Nation / Myanmar Eleven CIVIL SOCIETY organisations (CSOs) and local residents living near the Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) have called for action from the Japanese, Myanmar and Thai governments to tackle human rights violations before…
By: Jiji Date: August 28th 2016 Source: Japan Times The land ministry plans to draft a multilateral framework that could help developing nations in Asia make better use of their land through careful planning, government sources said. The sources said the ministry will propose the framework at…