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Displaying 111 - 120 of 406Post COP27: Reflectindo sobre as promessas de doação aos Guardiões da Floresta
Este webinar final da série Diálogos da Terra 2022, terá lugar após a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Alterações Climáticas COP 27 (6 - 18 de Novembro, Sharm El-Sheik). Tendo sido feita uma promessa histórica de 1,7 mil milhões de dólares na COP26 do ano passado pelo Grupo de Fundadores da Propriedade Florestal para fazer avançar os direitos de propriedade dos Povos Indígenas e das Comunidades Locais e a sua tutela florestal, é importante que discutamos os desafios e oportunidades no contexto destes importantes avanços. O webinar "Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians" servirá como uma plataforma para reflectir sobre os progressos alcançados, o que está a faltar e se a promessa de 1,7 mil milhões de dólares feita durante a COP26 foi reflectida durante a COP27.
Después de la COP27: Reflexión sobre las promesas de los donantes a los guardabosques
This final webinar of the Land Dialogues 2022 series, will take place after the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (6 – 18 November, Sharm El-Sheik). With a historic 1.7 billion dollar pledge having been made at last year’s COP26 by the Forest Tenure Funders Group to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ tenure rights and their forest guardianship, it is important that we discuss challenges and opportunities in the context of these important advancements. The “Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians” webinar will serve as a platform to reflect on progress made, what is falling short and if the 1.7 billion dollar pledge made during COP26 was reflected during COP27.
Post COP27: Réflexion sur les promesses des donateurs aux gardiens de la forêt
Ce dernier webinaire de la série Land Dialogues 2022 aura lieu après la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique COP 27 (6 - 18 novembre, Sharm El-Sheik). Une promesse historique de 1,7 milliard de dollars ayant été faite lors de la COP26 de l'année dernière par le Forest Tenure Funders Group pour faire progresser les droits fonciers des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales ainsi que leur garde forestière, il est important que nous discutions des défis et des opportunités dans le contexte de ces avancées importantes. Le webinaire "Post COP27 : Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians" servira de plate-forme pour réfléchir aux progrès réalisés, aux lacunes et à la question de savoir si la promesse de 1,7 milliard de dollars faite lors de la COP26 a été respectée lors de la COP27.
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Forest Tenure Pledge Annual Report 2021-2022
One year on from the Pledge announcement, this first report from the Forest Tenure Funders Group provides an overview of donor progress in 2021. The report describes how donors are working together, in dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and local community-led organisations.
A Glimpse into the IPLC Forest Tenure Donor Pledge
Approximately 1.6 billion people live in and around forest areas and use forest and land resources for their livelihoods: an estimated 36% of intact forests are within Indigenous Peoples lands. Clarifying land and resource rights and community forest management is critical for sustainable management of forests and natural resources, safeguarding livelihoods and supporting economic development. At COP26, a joint-donor Pledge was announced committing $1.7 billion to advance IPLC forest tenure rights from 2021 to 2025.
The 50th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
A full-day ministerial segment on coordinating policy responses to the global food crisis; endorse newly agreed Policy Recommendations on Promoting Youth Engagement and Employment in Agriculture and Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition; and focus on boosting responsible investment in sustainable agriculture and food system.
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CFS VGGT- Reflection on 10 years of VGGT Application
Open discussion between partners and the audience on the impact of the VGGT 10 years later: what have we learned, what can we do better, where are the evident needs, gaps, and unmet expectations.
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CFS VGGT- Monitoring, Evidence and Data
Land monitoring systems are crucial tools for improving the governance, ownership and management of land around the world.
University of Silesia in Katowice
The University of Silesia in Katowice is an autonomous state-run university in Silesia Province, Katowice, Poland. The university offers higher education and research facilities.