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Showing items 72118 through 72126 of 73617.Defenders of Indigenous land in Malaysia are targeted, singled out and face opposition from state authorities and private individuals when they speak up. These abuses have further disenfranchised Indigenous communities in Malaysia, marginalising them socially and harming them economically.
Malaysia’s democratic transformation took a historical turn between 2017 and 2019.
Ce rapport présente et analyse les dispositions internationales et nationales encadrant les droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo.
Recent decades have witnessed a perceptible impact of land policy and cadastre on the urbanisation around the globe. Land legislation and cadastre system are the tools and mechanisms in order to achieve the objectives of land policy in delivering sustainable development.
Han pasado 30 años desde la adopción del Convenio sobre Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales, 1989 (núm.
El fenómeno de las grandes transacciones de tierras ha generado debates con respecto al cambio de uso del suelo, la gobernanza de la tierra y el acceso a los recursos naturales.
Although the Orang Asli are the original, indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, they have been largely excluded from the country’s economic growth of recent decades.
In this paper, we use an actor-oriented perspective to explore the nature and extent of conflict and negotiation with regard to land use and tenure among the Iban of Sarawak. The Iban are shifting cultivators who have long been involved in smallholder cash crops.
In 2010, the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2010-2020 and its 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets. It has since been endorsed by multiple Multilateral Environmental Agreements as a global framework for biodiversity.
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