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Showing items 69094 through 69102 of 73566.La presente Ley tienen como propósito incrementar el acceso al crédito, ampliando las categorías de bienes que pueden ser dados en garantía y el alcance de los derechos sobre estos, creando un régimen unitario y simplificado para la constitución, publicidad, prelación y ejecución de garantías mob
Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du livre VI du code de l'urbanisme applicables au contentieux de l’urbanisme.
This Act sets regulations related to the fertilization of soil in rural areas (soil conditioners, spraying, cultivation, etc.) which is not permitted in buffer zones of maximum 10 meters from the shores of open water courses and lakes with a surface area of more than 100 square meters (article 1)
Le présent ordonnance simplifie et clarifie les procédures d’élaboration, de modification et de révision des documents d’urbanisme (schéma de cohérence territoriale (SCOT), plans locaux d’urbanisme (PLU) et cartes communales).Elle entre en vigueur à une date déterminée par décret en Conseil d'Eta
This Regional Law regulates the issues of agricultural land.
This Regional Law regulates some issues in the sphere of land relations except for those related to agricultural land.
The purpose of this Act is to discover legal transactions concluded in the past and intended to elude resctrictive legal provisons concerning the aquisition of property and use of agricultural land, to prevent legal effects related to such transactions and to put an end to the illigal status.
This Regional Act sets forth rules and principles governing the conservation of soil, which is deemed to be a non renewable resource, essential for the protection of landscapes and ecosystem preservation.
This Law, consisting of 21 articles, creates the National Granting System of lands for agricultural, forestry or silvopastoril purpose, called «Bolsa de terras».
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