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Showing items 5563 through 5571 of 73567.Food and agricultural systems are under a set of pressures to feed an increasingly hungry population and to cope with an intensifying competition over natural, human and financial resources, all subject to impacts of climate change.
El manual proporciona información sobre los procedimientos que siguen las brigadas de campo para realizar el establecimiento de los conglomerados y parcelas permanentes del Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN).
En 2003, la Unión Europea (UE) lanzo el Plan de acción sobre aplicación de las leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestal (Plan de acción FLEGT) para combatir la tala ilegal de madera, promover el consumo y la producción de madera de origen legal y, en última instancia, contribuir al manejo forestal s
Since Comoros joined the Organization in 1977, a variety of interventions have been delivered across the food and agriculture sector. Assistance has included capacity building, institutional strengthening and policy formulation as well as direct support to development projects.
Depuis plus de soixante ans, la FAO accompagne le développement du Maroc dans le secteur de l’alimentation et de
l’agriculture. Le pays a bénéficié de plus de 200 projets nationaux ainsi que de 65 projets régionaux depuis l’ouverture de laThe Asia-Pacific region, despite impressive economic growth, is home to 490 million people still suffering from chronic hunger and it accounts for 62 percent of undernourished people in the world.
Land-use planning is increasingly being recognized as a central part of the formulation and implementation of strategies to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, contributing to both climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Ce profil de pays décrit l’état des ressources en eau et l’utilisation de l’eau, ainsi que l’état de la gestion de l’eau agricole dans le Tchad.
Land reform has been a strong part of the overall re-structuring of the Lithuanian economy and it has contributed to the gains in living standard that have been achieved since 1994.
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