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Showing items 4861 through 4869 of 73567.This Government Regulation lays down, in accordance with European Union legislation, conditions of subsidies for afforestation of agricultural land.
Le présent arrêté classe les communes ou parties de communes en zones défavorisées. Les territoires des communes ou parties de communes tels qu'ils figurent à l'annexe du présent arrêté sont classés en zone de montagne au titre de l'article D. 113-14 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.
Item 6 shall be amended to add the following wording: “State bodies (other state institutions) managing protected areas shall submit protection areas management plant to public hearing”.
La presente Ley crea y desarrolla las Zonas de Interés de desarrollo rural, económico y social (ZIDRES), como territorios con aptitud agrícola, pecuaria y forestal y piscícola identificados por la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA), que se establecerán a partir de Planes de Desarro
Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: ““Owners and tenants, including leaseholders, of land plots must comply with the provisions and requirements in the sphere of ensuring agricultural land fertility”.
Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Servitude holders shall be considered persons authorized for limited use of someone else’s plots of land (servitude)”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 886 VH-I “On land”. (2009-07-10)
Article 16.1 shall be amended to add a new wording: “Lease contract related to plots of agricultural public or municipal land shall be concluded without tender in case of allotment thereof to Cossack associations for agricultural activities”.
La presente Resolución tiene por objeto adoptar la Metodología para realizar la focalización territorial para la ejecución de la política pública de ordenamiento social de la propiedad rural en la modalidad de barrido predial, y para la definición de las zonas de asignación del Subsidio Integral
This revised agricultural policy and strategic framework provides a coherent policy framework to address the key challenges in Timor-Leste. The Government recognizes that there is no simple "solution by technology".
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