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Showing items 4078 through 4086 of 73534.Summary:
"Increased troop deployment, attacks and abuses by the Burma Army in northern
Shan State during the past year have caused large-scale new displacement of Palaung
villagers, calling into question the Burmese government’s claims to be seeking a
Summary: "For decades, international lenders, agencies, and foundations
as well as national and local governments have spent millions of dollars trying
to “modernize” the traditional practices of farmers in many mountainous
...Over the past ten years the SPDC has undertaken numerous 'development projects' across Karen State, consistently claiming that these are purely for the good of the people.
In a written statement during its September 2011 session, the Asian Legal Resource Centre alerted the Human Rights Council to the dangers posed to the rights of people in Myanmar by the convergence of military, business and administrative interests in new projects aimed at displacing cultivators
The Asian Human Rights Commission has followed closely reports in recent weeks of an uprising by farmers against a takeover of a large area of agricultural land in upper Burma by an army-owned company and a private partner.
Greater Himalayan glaciers are retreating and losing mass at rates comparable to glaciers in other regions of the world Assessments of future changes and their associated hydrological impacts are scarce, oversimplify glacier dynamics or include a limited number of climate models.
Abstract. "We use numerical climate simulations, paleoclimate data, and modern observations to study the effect of growing ice melt from Antarctica and Greenland.
Die Armee der SPDC Militärdiktatur ist mittlerweile auf eine Truppenstärke von 500.000 Soldaten angewachsen und jetzt selbst nur noch durch ein System der Angst zu kontrollieren. Fast jeder hat einen Vorgesetzten und die Exekution ist nur einen Schuß entfernt.
Die Militär-Junta von Myanmar (Burma) strebt vermutlich nach der Atombombe. Während die ganze Welt auf den Iran schaut, gehen in Myanmar Veränderungen vor, die das Schlimmste befürchten lassen: Neu entdeckte Erdgasreserven machen das Land zu einem der wichtigsten Gaslieferanten in Asien.
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