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Showing items 3745 through 3753 of 73627.This paper is intended to explore the potential of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodologies to be applied to the various stages of the construction process, particularly as far as international guidelines and best practices supporting virtuous operating flows are concerned: the IT c
Neste artigo, apoiados em referenciais empíricos retirados das lutas pela posse da terra, sugerimos que, como instrumento, a violência parece ser caracterizada pelo fato de ser uma forma especial de lidar com a questão da anomia.
The effects of the land reform in Ukraine were analyzed. Inefficiency land management and land use was established. The ways to
overcome them in the new economic conditions were proposed.
The alterations caused by the realization of large scale, linear infra-structure have repercussions that similarly disrupt the land market. The market is still not perfect and has all the inherent problems connected to estimation of the compensation due for expropriation.
Culture and identity in a society can be represented in the architecture and the meanings intertwined with it. In this sense, the architecture and design are the interface for transferring meaning and identity to the nation and future generations.
This study aims at presenting a conceptual model for landscape management in the Himalayan region of India,
using quantitative/mathematical approach. Keeping in view the requirement, (based on fifteen years empirical
Considerando a necessidade de conhecimento sobre o estado da arte atual dos estudos aplicados referentes à capacidade de carga turística e à gestão da visitação no Brasil, esta investigação de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, teve por objetivo levantar e caracterizar tais estudos desenvolvido
Il coinvolgimento del pubblico e degli stakeholder nelle moderne attività di pianificazione territoriale richiede l’utilizzo di strumenti e metodologie adeguati che supportino i planner nell’acquisizione e
L’espropriazione di beni soggetti a uso civico costituisce una fattispecie particolare dell’istituto espropriativo la cui regolamentazione, nella parte in cui coinvolge le indennità e i diritti su esse vantate, va ricercata in normative speciali molto spesso anche lontane nel tempo o in pronunce
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