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In May 2006, the Government of the
Solomon Islands placed rural development at the top of its
policy agenda. The Solomon Islands Government's May
2006 Policy Framework Document places emphasis on
development through a bottom-up and holistic approach that
encompasses the empowerment of the people through rural
advancement strategies, the pursuit of the Millennium
Development Goals, the revitalization of the economy,
improved law and order, effective service delivery and the
devolution of powers and functions and decision-making
authority to the periphery. This document comprises 4
sections: Chapter I presents a review of the current rural
development situation. Chapter II discusses growth prospects
and opportunities in the short to medium term (2011 horizon)
and medium to long term (2020 horizon). Chapter III presents
the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (ARDS)
recommendations as regards priority interventions in
agriculture and rural development over the short, medium and
long term. Chapter IV discusses ARDS implementation,
including tailoring the approach to the different provinces,
monitoring ARDS implementation, and matching resources with priorities.