The productivity of small ruminants in the Maasai pastoral system, Kajiado District, Kenya. An introduction to current research
Describes the research approach adopted by an interdisciplinary ILCA team to study a pastoralist production system, summarizing the methodology & results of research on small ruminants' productivity in the Maasai pastoral system, and outlining dif. features of current smallstock research in Kenya; w.
An approach to evaluating techniques for vegetation surveys on arid rangelands
Evaluates the usefulness of direct data collection from low-flying light aircraft for inventory & monitoring animal population & other rangeland features, viz. water bodies, vegetation structure & greenness and human settlements, for planning and management purposes.
Economic aspects of browse development. The economic viability of browse plantations in tropical Africa. A study following the symposium on browse in Africa
Examines economic aspects of browse development, w. data on browse, wood, gum and crop production, international rate of return and cost prices on atriplex and acacia plantations in tropical Africa.
ILCA research 1980
Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed evaluation and herd modelling.
Introduction to East African Range Livestock Systems Study/Kenya
Examines the interdisciplinary research being pursued by the ILCA East African Range Livestock Systems Study (EARLSS) team in Kenya, discussing the rationale for an interdisciplinary aproach to the study, factors which led to the concentration of the team's investigation on Maasai pastoralists, and background information on Kenya's Kajiado District & on the three group ranches where the stu
Les recherches du CIPEA en 1980
Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed evaluation and herd modelling.
Low-level aerial survey techniques
Presents workshop papers & discussion summaries on the development of low-level aerial survey techniques and presents applications to livestock, wildlife and land-use surveys. Reviews survey designs and sampling procedures as well as problems of bias, levels, from ground survey to satellite imagery; along w. recommendations for further research and cooperation.
The aerial survey programme of the Kenya rangeland ecological monitoring unit: 1976-79
Describes the organization, objectives and results of the aerial survey programme of the Kenyan Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit from 1976 to 1979, with particular reference to the methodology used, animal population estimates, esp. herbivores, and reliability of aerial survey data in terms of aerial, ground & remote sensing counts.
The Kenyan rangeland ecological monitoring unit (KREMU)
Discusses the Kenya Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit (KREMU), mentioning its objectives, initial tasks related to identifying ecological units, testing survey methods, training of staff & designing appropriate computer programmes; describes the Unit's achievements, with emphasis on ecological surveys & censuses carried out within the framework of on-going ecological monitoring progr
Agricultura en las sabanas de suramérica tropical
Browse in Africa: The current state of knowledge
The proceedings of a conference, reviewing current knowledge of browse species and their role in the development of livestock production. The papers cover the ecology of browse trees and shrubs, their geological distribution, relative palatibility for different animals, and composition and theoretical value.