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Gabin Korbéogo is currently a professor of sociology and the head of the laboratory Groupe de recherche sur les initiatives locales (GRIL) at the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. His research focuses on urban and rural livelihoods and environmental resources, specialising in land governance, natural resources conflicts, gender analyses and mixed methods. His recent publications include: Traditional Authorities and Spatial Planning in Urban Burkina Faso: Exploring the Roles and Land Value Capture by Moose Chieftaincies in Ouagadougou. African Studies, 80(2), 190-206; Resilience strategies of West Africa pastoralists in response to scarce forage resources. Pastoralism, 11(1), 1-14 and Managing seasonality in West African informal urban vegetable markets: The role of household relations. Journal of International Development, 33(5), 874–893.
Gabin Korbéogo est professeur de sociologie et directeur scientifique du Laboratoire Groupe de recherche sur les initiatives locales (GRIL) de l’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Ses recherches portent sur les moyens d’existence ruraux et urbains et les ressources environnementales, spécifiquement la gouvernance foncière, les conflits liés aux ressources naturelles, les rapports de genre et les méthodes mixtes. Ses récentes publications sont entre autres: Traditional Authorities and Spatial Planning in Urban Burkina Faso: Exploring the Roles and Land Value Capture by Moose Chieftaincies in Ouagadougou. African Studies, 80(2), 190-206; Resilience strategies of West Africa pastoralists in response to scarce forage resources. Pastoralism, 11(1), 1-14 and Managing seasonality in West African informal urban vegetable markets: The role of household relations. Journal of International Development, 33(5), 874–893.