Nossa rede internacional de parceiros(as) abrange instituições acadêmicas, agregadores de dados, órgãos governamentais, editoras, associações de agricultores(as), ONGs e outros atores da sociedade civil. Explore a gama de organizações que utilizam o Land Portal abaixo e junte-se à rede hoje.
European Investment Bank
The EIB is the European Union's bank. We are the only bank owned by and representing the interests of the European Union Member States. We work closely with other EU institutions to implement EU policy.
European Journal of Economic and Financial Research
European Journal of Economic and Financial Research is an international open access peer-reviewed periodical focused on publication of theoretical and empirical research articles in economics and finance and related fields, such as decision disciplines, marketing, management and accounting.
European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance II Program
European Research Studies Journal
European Research Studies Journal is a refereed publication and is designed to cover a wide variety of topics in the fields of Business and Economics in general including Banking, Financial Services and Internal Controls, Accounting and Finance, Health Economics, Tourism, Maritime Studies, Transport and Logistics, Energy and Environment with reference to European Integration.
European Scientific Journal
European Space Agency
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
European Tropical Forest Research Network
The European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) is a network on forests and development, which aims to ensure that European research contributes to conservation and sustainable use of forest and tree resources in tropical and subtropical countries.
European Union
The European Union is a unique economic and political union between 28 European countries that together cover much of the continent.
European Union
Every Woman Treaty
We envision a world where every woman and girl everywhere can realize her human right to a life free from violence.
Evidence and Lessons from Latin America
Evidence and Lessons from Latin America (ELLA) is a knowledge sharing and learning platform, funded by the UK Department for International Development:
Launched in October 2015 by founding editor Robert Kadar with support from Joe Brewer, David Sloan Wilson, The Evolution Institute, and Steve Roth — who now serves as publisher — Evonomics has emerged as a powerful voice for the sea change that is sweeping through economics. Evonomics’ cont
Expertise France
Expertise France, also known an Agence Francaise d'Expertise Technique Internationale, is the French agency for international technical expertise created by the merger on 1 January 2015 between six French technical assistance operators (FEI, ADETEF, ADECRI, SPSI, ESTHER, INTER).