Nossa rede internacional de parceiros(as) abrange instituições acadêmicas, agregadores de dados, órgãos governamentais, editoras, associações de agricultores(as), ONGs e outros atores da sociedade civil. Explore a gama de organizações que utilizam o Land Portal abaixo e junte-se à rede hoje.
Entraide et Fraternité
Créée en 1961, Entraide et Fraternité est une ONG catholique belge de coopération au développement et de solidarité internationale, qui vise à réduire les inégalités et lutter contre les injustices sociales.
Environment & Development Resource Centre
The Stichting Environment & Development Resource Centre (EDRC) was established in Amsterdam in 1991 as a non-profit foundation.
Its aim is to contribute to the achievement of global sustainable development that is environmentally sound, socially just and respectful of cultural diversity.
Environment and History
Environment and History is an interdisciplinary journal which aims to bring scholars in the humanities and biological sciences closer together, with the deliberate intention of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems.
Environment for Development
The Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative is a capacity building program in environmental economics focusing on research, policy interaction, and academic programs. The overall objective of EfD is to support poverty alleviation and sustainable development by building environmental economics capacity in policy making processes.
Environment, Conflict and Cooperation Platform
This website offers a platform for exchange on environment, conflict, and cooperation (ECC). It aims to foster sustainable peace and development by gathering and disseminating knowledge. It also seeks to create networks among stakeholders in the global environment, climate, foreign policy and security communities.
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Environment, Development and Sustainability is an international, multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development. Concerned with the complex interactions between development and environment, its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities aimed at such development.
Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Advancing water resources and environmental solutions to achieve a sustainable future
The Environmental & Water Resources Institute is ASCE’s technical source for environmental and water-related issues. EWRI is one of eight ASCE technical institutes.
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
The Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) helps communities speak out for clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet. We are a global alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates collaborating across borders to promote grassroots efforts to build a sustainable, just future.
Environmental Peacebuilding
Environmental peacebuilding integrates natural resource management in conflict prevention, mitigation, resolution, and recovery to build resilience in communities affected by conflict. Join our new Environmental Peacebuilding Association comprising researchers, practitioners, and decision makers to share experiences and lessons from managing natural resources in conflict-affected settings, acc
Environmental Research Letters
Environmental Research Letters covers all of environmental science, providing a coherent and integrated approach including research articles, perspectives and review articles.
Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth
Information about Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA/FoEN)
Environmental Systems Research Institute
We are the global market leader in GIS, helping customers get results since 1969.
Esri was founded to help solve some of the world’s most difficult problems. We do so by supporting our users’ important work with a commitment to science, sustainability, community, education, research, and positive change.