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Showing items 72604 through 72612 of 73616.En el informe N°7 de Rimisp - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, sobre los efectos del coronavirus en América Latina, las investigadoras Daniela García y Lola Hiernaux profundizan en la gestión y disponibilidad del agua, elemento de vital importancia para evitar la propagación del
Registration of land title evidences an indefeasible ownership. However, many people have become victims of fraud. Due to the increase in fraud and the weaknesses of the registration system in the country, this study aims to provide solution to the problem.
Land Portal and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have collaborated on this project designed “…to uncover, democratize and improve the land data and information ecosystem in South Africa” (Land Portal Foundation, 2019).
This paper briefly explains the unique relationships of Orang Asli with the customary land. It further demonstrates the common views that there is a collision between the Orang Asli notion of land ownership and that of the state.
This chapter deals with the sale of land or building or parcel in a sub-divided building or land parcel in Malaysia. Realising that it is quite impossible to give a complete treatment of such sale and purchase transaction in just a few pages of this chapter, it is proposed that the approach taken
Mientras el mundo entero trata de ponerse a salvo de la pandemia, los pueblos indígenas de América Latina agonizan y algunos podrían llegar a desaparecer. El abandono estatal y la ausencia de servicios adecuados de salud integral y agua
Le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) a publié Le changement climatique et les terres émergées, un rapport spécial du GIEC sur le changement climatique, la désertification, la dégradation des terres, la gestion durable des terres, la sécurité alimentair
Depuis son accès à l’Indépendance, la république d’Haïti semble profondément marquée par les racines de son histoire, prise dans les contradictions de ses références aux valeurs « humanistes » de la Révolution française et à l’attachement à une société profondément, pour ne pas dire essentielleme
The Great Timber Heist: The Logging Industry in Papua New Guinea, exposes massive tax evasion and financial misreporting by foreign logging companies, allegedly resulting in nonpayment of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.
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