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Showing items 586 through 594 of 73616.El Tribunal Agrario Nacional, en cumplimiento de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley Nº 1.715, debe organizar la estructura y el funcionamiento de Juzgados Agrarios, determinando el número, asiento, competencia territorial y otras actividades en el marco de su competencia.
This Act, consisting of 24 sections and completed by two Schedules, regulates the activities of land valuers, i.e. any person who carries on a business that consists of or involves valuing land.
This Act grants power to the Minister to issue permission to anyone to construct or maintain on public lands any road necessary or useful for mining, woodcutting or other purposes.
It shall be lawful for the President of the State in all State grants and leases of land to cause signature thereto to be attached by means of a stamp of facsimile of his sign manual and those grants and leases shall have the same effect as grants and leases bearing the actual autograph or sign m
The President, for the purpose of ensuring turnover of the plots of land situated on the territory of urban and rural settlements and till the adoption of the respective federal law, decrees to establish that the plots of land situated on the territory of urban and rural settlements, destined in
This Act, consisting of four Parts and completed by six Schedules, concerns the sale of certain lands in New South Wales and related matters. It regulates the stipulation of contracts related procedures.
La presente Ley tiene por objeto la creación, en el ámbito de la Legislatura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, de la Comisión Bicameral para la atención y seguimiento de desastres naturales provocados por emergencias hídricas o de carácter climático.
La presente Ley tiene por objeto la demarcación en terreno y en cartografía, así como la preparación de mapas de zonas de riesgo que incluyan líneas limítrofes que delimiten: a) la zona prohibida; b) las zonas con restricciones parciales; c) la zona con restricciones severas; d) la zona de advert
The Law totals 78 Articles and is divided in the following Chapters and: I, Fundamentals of the Agricultural Law; II, Agricultural Production; III, Strengthening of Material and Technological Foundation of Agriculture; IV, protection of Agricultural Resources; V, Management of Agricultural Produc
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