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Showing items 4636 through 4644 of 73567.Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Municipal land control shall be performed in relation to rural inhabited areas that are part of local municipal units by local government”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 102-z “On municipal land control”. (2015-07-08)
Le présent décret fixe la création et l’organisation de la Commission Nationale d'Affectation des Terres (CNAT) dont la mission principale est d'élaborer le Plan National d'Affectation des Terres.
Article 6 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Non-governmental non-commercial organizations shall have the right to propose candidates for membership in Civic Chamber”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 22-RZ “On Civic Chamber”. (2012-05-10)
Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall be responsible for determination of the categories workers of forestry and hunting management that are granted the right of service allotment of agricultural land parcels”.
Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional state executive body in the sphere of land relations shall validate map of location of land plots pertaining to public ownership on cadastre map of the regional territory”.
This Regulation of the Minister of Public Works, consisting of IV Chapters, establishes the Guidelines for Land-use Planning. It specifies requirements and environmental standards to be satisfied for building construction, infrastructure network system, mining facilities and other special works.
Article 9 (1) shall be amended to add the following wording: “Boundaries of land area of identified object of cultural heritage could not necessarily correspond to the boundaries of land plots, land-use planning territorial area, and also to the boundaries of sanitary protection areas”.
Le présent arrêté fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement des organes de gestion du Projet d’Appui aux Communes Urbaines du Mali (PACUM) dont la mission est d’orienter, de coordonner, de superviser et d’évaluer les actions du Projet.Quant au Comité Technique de Suivi du Projet d’Ap
La présente Ordonnance fixe l'organisation, le fonctionnement du Gouvernement, les modalités pratiques de collaboration entre le Président de la République et le Gouvernement ainsi qu'entre les Membres du Gouvernement.
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