Freezaillah B.C. Yeom of Malaysia, drawing upon his experience as a forest-resources manager in Southeast Asia, evaluates available information and weighs both positive and negative aspects of the development of lesser-known species within the wider context of resource-management efforts. From…
Shifting cultivation, under its diverse forms of slash and burn system, is a traditional method of cultivating tropical upland soils, mostly for subsistence purposes. This traditional system of cultivation is in ecological balance with the environment and does not irreversibly degrade the soil…
Freezaillah B.C. Yeom, de Malaisie, fait appel son exprience de gestionnaire forestier en Asie du Sud-Est pour valuer les informations disponibles sur les essences secondaires et peser le pour et le contre de leur emploi plus large dans le cadre gnral de l'amnagement des ressources. James…
The pressing need for increased agricultural production in the years ahead can only be met by more efficient use of our land and water resources including more widespread and better irrigation in those regions where rainfall is inadequate. Production gains will be shortlived unless the attendant…
FAO organized an Expert Consultation in April 1977 with participants from countries consuming both a high and low quantity of fertilizer, to identify possibilities for a more intensive and rational utilization of the valuable plant nutrients in mineral and organic fertilizers, with emphasis on…
There is a urgent need for a better understanding of the risks of soil degradation and their geographical distribution as well as a better knowledge of where degradation occurs at present. it would be desirable to combine soil conservation activities with other elements for increasing crop…
This publication has been prepared as a background paper in view of the UN conference on the human environment that was held in Stockholm in 1972. This background document had contribution from UNESCO, IAEA and WHO. While the demand for land for land increases at a very rapid rate through…
Meeting Name: African Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO-AFC/69/REP.
Session: Sess. 2
An international review of forestry and forest products
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
An international journal of forestry and forest industries