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Institutionalization of Conflict Capability in the Management of Natural Resources: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Experience in Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2007

This paper explores the conflicts between badly-affected local communities and logging and mining companies and analyzes how such conflicts can be addressed effectively.

“A caminhada até às aldeias”: a ruralidade na transição para a democracia em Portugal

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

O presente artigo procura examinar a equação “povo-ruralidade” no quadro da transição democrática portuguesa, tomando como corpo empírico as Campanhas de Dinamização Cultural e Acção Cívica do Movimento das Forças Armadas (1974-1975).

La repercusión de la tenencia de la tierra en el respeto a los derechos humanos sociales y económicos de los guatemaltecos

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2006
Latin America and the Caribbean

La reforma agraria y las invasiones a fincas privadas o del gobierno son temas tratados desde hace mucho tiempo en Guatemala; se han discutido desde la fallida reforma agraria impulsada por el ex presidente Juan Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán hasta la actualidad.

Quelles lois pour résoudre les problèmes liés au foncier en Côte d’Ivoire ?

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2006
Côte d'Ivoire

« Le succès de ce pays repose sur l’agriculture », ce slogan longtemps véhiculé par les médias ivoiriens depuis des décennies est en passe de devenir un leurre ou mythe, tant la situation agricole et la situation foncière sont progressivement devenues colporteuses de tensions sociales et politiques dans ce pays en guerre depuis septembre 2002.

Unjust Enrichment-The Making of Land Grabbing Millionaires-Living Large Series

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2006

The illegal and irregular allocations of public land as chronicled in the Ndungu Report amount to a rip-off that dwarfs the Goldenberg and Anglo-Leasing scandals. Our analysis in this first issue in the series covers Karura, Ngong Road and Kiptagich forests and suggests a loss of public resources in excess of Ksh.18.4 billion.

Intersection of decentralization and conflict in natural resource management : cases from Southeast Asia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2005

The study explores the relationship between decentralization and conflict, comparing two case studies in Cambodia and the Philippines. It addresses to what degree and in what ways decentralization influences conflicts that are related to natural resources management (NRM), especially where local institutions are often unrepresentative of, and unaccountable to local communities.

To Fight or to Farm? Agrarian Dimensions of the Mano River Conflicts (Liberia and Sierra Leone)

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2005
Sierra Leone

The wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone have been linked to the condition of urbanized youth. Recent research in southeastern Sierra Leone and northwestern Liberia suggests the rural context is of greater significance. The fighting was mainly in rural areas, involved mainly rural youth, and adapted itself to their local concerns.