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National Forest Policy.

National Policies
Junho, 2006

The overall objective of the present national cross-sectoral Forest Policy is to achieve sustainable forest management that would ensure sustainable increases in the economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees for the present and future generation including the poor and the vulnerable groups.

Protected Areas Act 2011 (No. 14 of 2011).

Setembro, 2011

This Act provides for the establishment of the Protected Areas Commission, the Protected Areas Trust and a Trust Fund and empowers the Minister to declare national protected areas. It applies to the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, fishery zone and continental shelf as defined in the Maritime Zones Act 2010. The Act alos provides with respect to the National Protected Areas System and allows village councils to apply to the Commission for village lands or any part thereof to be recognised as an Amerindian protected area.

Coastal Management Act 2016.

Junho, 2016

The objects of this Act are to manage the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic well-being of the people of the State, and in particular: (a) to protect and enhance natural coastal processes and coastal environmental values including natural character, scenic value, biological diversity and ecosystem integrity and resilience, and (b) to support the social and cultural values of the coastal zone and maintain public access, amenity, use and safety, and (c) to acknowledge A

Acuerdo Nº 191 - Determina y delimita el Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY) como Patrimonio de Áreas Naturales del Estado.

Abril, 1990

El presente Acuerdo, considerando que circunstancias de diferente índole propias de ese sector amazónico, establece la necesidad de una nueva determinación y delimitación del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY), con la finalidad de respetar los asentamientos de comunidades aborígenes y proporcionando protección a zonas que no gozan de ese beneficio.

Enmienda: Acuerdo Nº 322 - Establece el Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY). (1979-07-26)

Decreto-Ley Nº 2811 - Aprueba el Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente. Texto consolidado.

Dezembro, 1974

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Acuerdo Nº 202 - Amplia el territorio del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY) reconociendo los asentamientos tradicionales de las Comunidades Indígenas Waorani.

Maio, 1992

El presente Acuerdo, reconociendo los asentamientos tradicionales de las Comunidades Indígenas Waorani, procede a la revisión de los límites del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY), amplia el territorio del PNY, como Patrimonio Nacional de Áreas Naturales, hacia el sector suroccidental comprendido entre los ríos Cononaco y Curaray, con la finalidad de conformar una unidad ecológica integral que permita la conservación y manejo de las principales cuencas y subcuencas de ese sector.

National Action Plan on strengthening capacity to respond to challenges of biodiversity conservation, climate change and desertification/land degradation (2006-2015).

National Policies
Dezembro, 2004

This Action Plan is a national Plan with a cross-sectoral approach, addressing issues falling under its mandate in an integrated way. The timeframe is 10 years between 2006 and 2015.

Decree No. 529 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and Land Cadastre and the Regulation on the Fund for Development of Land Relations and State Cadastre.

Julho, 2017

This Regulation on the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and Land Cadastre defines its status, main tasks, functions, rights and liability, and also the procedure for operation thereof. State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and Land Cadastre shall be a body of public administration in the sphere of land relations, geodesy, cartography and state cadastres.

Decreto Supremo Nº 011-2017-MINAM ─ Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo.

Novembro, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo, que constituyen un referente obligatorio para el diseño y aplicación de los instrumentos de gestión ambiental, y son aplicables para aquellos parámetros asociados a las actividades productivas, extractivas y de servicios.

National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2015

The National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025 is a sectoral policy aiming at achieving in ten years in the agricultural field the following results, together with economic, social and environmental consequences: (i) high agricultural productivity; (ii) efficiency in the use of irrigation water; (iii) high use of technology; (iv) high partnership between public and private sectors; (v) competitive agricultural marketing linking production to demand in the internal and external markets; (vi) national quality and accreditation systems internationally recognized; (vii) agricultur