Acuan generik kriteria dan indikator CIFOR (The CIFOR criteria and indicators generic template)
This manual provides a comprehensive set of criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management based on CIFOR’s research. This research was conducted by interdisciplinary teams of experts in large-scale natural forests managed for commercial timber production in Indonesia, Côte d’Ivoire, Brazil and Cameroon, with additional sites in Germany, Austria and USA. The use of the term ‘generic template’ for these C&I is intended to prevent them being confused with an ideal and universally applicable set of C&I.
Adaptasi kelembagaan dan aksi kolektif masyarakat terhadap program transmigrasi
Adaptive collaborative management can help us cope with climate change
A weighted decision and tenurial niche approach to analyzing adaptive learning in the social forests of northeastern Zimbabwe
Acesso à terra e meios de vida: examinando suas interações em três locais no estado do Pará
Adil gender: mengungkap realitas perempuan Jambi
In recent years, the term ‘gender’ has become a hot discussion topic in various forums and media. Many development sectors require gender analysis as a component of a program’s implementation. However, even today, many people still equate gender with sex or even, as a narrower definition, with women. This is particularly true in regions, where gender has not yet commonly been discussed, such as Bungo and Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) districts, Jambi.