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Displaying 2305 - 2316 of 2622


Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2016
Nova Zelândia
América do Norte

It studies the preconditions of creation, functioning of farms in Ukraine and foreign countries. In the course of the study revealed that over the years 1990-2015, the number of farms increased from 332 to 54 302 is 915, 40 thousand hectares of land. For a specified period on one farm had between 12.0 to 78.8 ha of agricultural land (the most notable growth occurred in the period from 1990-1995, he was almost 100 times).
Despite this, farming did not become efficient producers of agricultural products.


Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2017

Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.

Ukrainian spatial planning system is divided into urban planning and land management planning.Urban development field belongs lion's share of planning tools, while in Ukraine is only about 4% of the land is built-up. Comprehensive conceptual spatial planning is inherently absent in Ukraine. Only single brancheshave tools for conceptual planning on the nationallevel, and therefore planning effectiveness is negligible.

I fondi immobiliari. La leva fiscale per far ripartire il mercato immobiliare

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2014

I fondi immobiliari sono uno strumento finanziario che consente al risparmiatore di trasformare investimenti immobiliari in quote di attività finanziarie, generando liquidità senza che l’investitore debba
acquisire e dismettere un immobile. Una forte spinta a questo tipo di investimento - alternativo a quello di tipo mobiliare - è data dalla legislazione fiscale di favore che incentiva l’istituzione, la gestione e la partecipazione ai fondi immobiliari.
Il presente articolo riepiloga le principali disposizioni di carattere tributario applicabili ai fondi del settore.

Prezzi delle abitazioni: un’analisi della dinamica evolutiva sul mercato italiano

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2013

L'articolo propone uno studio dell'evoluzione dei prezzi delle abitazioni in Italia, sia per il breve che per il lungo periodo, considerando le serie storiche delle quotazioni a livello regionale.
Per il breve periodo si indagano "co-movimenti" delle serie regionali e si analizzano le componenti del tasso di apprezzamento dei prezzi tentando di cogliere l'effetto nazionale, i fattori locali nonché l'esistenza di persistenze.
D'altro lato, per il lungo periodo si propone una riflessione sull’esistenza di un processo di "convergenza".


Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2017
América Central
América do Sul

At the present stage of human development, food is one of the most acute problems. Over the past 30-40 years, the growth rate of population in many countries of the world is ahead of the growth rate of agricultural production, which leads to acute shortage of food. This is especially true of developing countries, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of the population of the planet that is under-eating and starving. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), in the world now about half a billion people are constantly hungry and twice asleep.

Accessing the city through new forms of sociability – examples of use of digital social networks in Brazil

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2014

This article presents examples of new forms of sociability in the city and in the urban public spaces by the use of digital social networks. The article provides an introduction to the use of the Internet as a space that fosters the development of a new sociability based on a massive collaborative culture.

Planing of land use of structural elements of ecological network at local level

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2016

and Management projecting of structural elements of land use of the ecological network on the territory of the village council begins with ecological and landscape micro zoning of the territory of village council, held during the preparatory work for the drafting of land and are finished by the formation of environmentally homogeneous regions, to which the system components of ecological network are tied, as well as environmental measures in the form of local environmental restrictions (encumbrances) in land usage and other natural resources.

Interpretazione matematico-statistica dei metodi di stima diretti

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2011

Partendo dai presupposti dettati dai postulati estimativi dell’ordinarietà, della previsione e della comparazione, il legame tra la stima del Valore di Mercato e il Prezzo di Compravendita può essere spiegato da un punto di vista matematico.
Il modello di Prezzo di Compravendita e un campione estimativo significativo sono strumenti centrali per lo sviluppo di uno dei qualsiasi metodi di stima diretti del Valore di Mercato.

Methodical approaches to the production of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment of the boundaries of a portion of the land subject to the right of sublease, servitude

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2015

Done scientific justification and
proposed methodological approaches to the
production of technical documentation on
land management on establishing the
boundaries of the land covered by the right
to sublease, easement. The purpose of
making this type of documentation is
setting limits and making the State Land
Cadastre of information on land covered by
the right to sublease, easement

Real Estate Funds. Fiscal incentives to jump-start the property market

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2014

Real estate funds are a financial instrument enabling investors to transform real estate Investments into shares of financial assets, producing liquidity without the investor having to acquire and dispose
of property. A strong boost to this type of investment - an alternative to the type of securities - is given by the favourable tax laws that foster the creation, management and participation in real estate funds.
This article summarises the main provisions related to tax applicable to funds in this sector.

Recreational potential of Kiev region

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2015

It analyzes the recreational potential of the territory of the Kiev region, which focuses on all types of land on the main intended purpose. The most favorable conditions for recreation are
formed on the lands of recreation, recreation, historical and cultural, natural reserve fund and other environmental protection, forestry purposes, and water resources. The area of land corresponding categories are significantly (3‐5 times) inferior standards adopted in the European Union. The main directions of development of recreational land use for the future are determined.