Loi nº 01-004 portant charte pastorale en République du Mali.
La présente loi définit les principes fondamentaux et les règles générales qui régissent l'exercice des activités pastorales en République du Mali.
La présente loi définit les principes fondamentaux et les règles générales qui régissent l'exercice des activités pastorales en République du Mali.
This Federal Law establishes the legal basis for the activity in the field of designation and renaming of geographical objects and normalization, use, registration, and maintenance of the naming of geographical objects as part of historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The document consists of 14 Articles. Article 1 introduces the main notions. Article 2 specifies national legislation in the field of denomination of geographical objects. Article 3 determines the sphere of application of this Federal Law.
This Decree prohibits tree logging within certain areas in the State of São Paulo. It consists of 21 articles establishing the zones (including protected zones, natural reserves and urban areas) in which tree logging is prohibited in order to preserve natural habitats. A list of protected trees is specified in article 16. Exceptional tree logging may be authorized by the Environmental Secretariat and the State Forestry Institution.
Il est institué un Conseil national du paysage auprès de la ministre chargée de la politique des paysages. Organisme consultatif, le conseil est notamment chargé de: - proposer chaque année à la ministre un rapport sur l'évolution des paysages en France; - procéder à un bilan de la mise en oeuvre de la loi nº 93-24 du 8 janvier 1993 sur la protection et la mise en valeur des paysages et modifiant certaines dispositions législatives en matière d'enquêtes publiques; - proposer à la ministre toute mesure susceptible d'améliorer la situation des paysages en France.
This Resolution approves the Regulation for Coastal Zone Planning of 'Albufeira de Alvito' (POAA). The Regulation consists of 3 chapters and 1 annex defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. 1); Zoning and activities (including land protection, exploitation and use according to the different area) (2); Final provisions, including POAA licensing (3). Annex list geographical map of the area.
This Resolution approves the Regulation on Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Sines' and 'Burgau'. The Regulation consists of 5 parts and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid areas. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Part 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (3); Management and planning services (4); Final provisions (5). Annexes list geographical map of the area.
This Decree provides for the implementation of a system of so-called "poultry rights" as proposed in the Act fertilizing Substances. A "poultry right" is basically a right to hold poultry and to produce manure from poultry. The introduction of these rights for various sectors of livestock farming aims at the control of pollution caused by manure.
This Decree prescribes rules relative to the prevention and reduction of pollution relating to economic activities in the sphere of construction and the processing of wood. The provisions of this Decree deal with all kinds of pollution such as discharge of water, pollution of the soil and groundwater, etc. It is based on the principle that enterprises working in these sectors are for themselves responsible for control of their activities and the control mechanism is now concentrated on report by those enterprises instead of control through the granting of permits.
This Legislative Decree establishes Land Use Planning within the Autonomous Region of Madeira (POTRAM). It consists of 6 Chapters defining the general acctions to be performed for the planning and development of land use and soil occupation, defense and protection of environment and natural heritage, etc. The Regulation is divided as follows: General provisions, structure of territory, zoning and classification of lands (Chap. 1); Lands to be exploited (2); Agricultural and forestry lands (3); Wildlife protected areas and ecosystem preservation (4); Pipelines (5) and Urban land (6).
This Order establishes the planning for the recreational harbours within the Municipality of Albufeira. It consists of 7 chapters establishing requirements and conditions to be met in order to manage and authorize every activity to be performed within the said area (including land use planning, coastal area planning, construction of port facilities, etc.). General provisions (Chap. 1); General provisions concerning soil use (2); Specific provisions (3); urbanisation and building characteristics (4); Special provisions (5); External areas for private use (6); Final provisions (7).
This Regulation enacts the operation of pre-requisite plans and prescriptions covering various areas under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act. It is divided into 11 Parts, i.e.
The objective of this Law is to increase the responsibility of users of natural resources (not defined) for the effective and economical utilization of the national resources which are at their disposal, and to compensate the amount spent by the State on the investigation of natural resources and on the measures implemented for the preservation of the amount and quality thereof. The Department of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Lithuania shall control the validity of tax returns.