De veranderingen in het grondgebruik in een zandgemeente (Hengelo Gld.) in de jaren 1900-1950
Changes in land use on farms at Hengelo were remarkably more frequent than was usually supposed in such areas. The larger farms had a general tendency to decrease in area, while the smaller farms tended to increase in area.
Rapport betreffende een landbouw-economisch streekonderzoek in de gemeente Groesbeek
Operationalizing a land systems classification for Laos
Land cover data is widely used for the design and monitoring of land use policies despite the incapability of this type of data to represent multiple land uses and land management activities within the same landscape. In this study, we operationalized the concept of land systems for the case of the Lao PDR (Laos). Distinct land systems like shifting cultivation and plantations (land concessions) cannot be fully captured by land cover inventories alone, in spite of their relevance for land use policies.
March 2014 – This paper critically examines how lease farming can be a viable livelihood option for landless rural poor, especially women in India. In the absence of land ownership and education, the majority of landless and semi-landless rural women are engaged as low wage agricultural labourers and remain trapped in poverty and indebtedness. Lease farming by landless women in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh shows a pathway for reducing their poverty and enabling upward social mobility.
Les effets des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar: nouveau numéro de la Revue d’économie rurale
Date: 2018
Source: Foncier & Développement
Par: Société française d'économie rurale
Ce nouveau numéro de la Revue d’Economie Rurale aborde les cas des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et de la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar. Présentation de ces deux articles en quelques lignes :
Are development finance institutions equipped to address land rights issues?
Bilateral development finance institutions (DFIs) play an increasingly prominent role in the international aid architecture. Because of their position between development and commercial worlds, DFIs can be a key player in efforts to align private sector conduct with international norms and standards.
Are development finance institutions equipped to address land rights issues? [Executive Summary]
Bilateral development finance institutions (DFIs) play an increasingly prominent role in the international aid architecture. Because of their position between development and commercial worlds, DFIs can be a key player in efforts to align private sector conduct with international norms and standards.
State of Land in the Mekong Region
The Mekong region has undergone rapid socio-economic growth over the past two decades alongside pronounced transformations in a number of key sectors and relations between the rural majority and increasingly-aff
State of Land in the Mekong Region Photo Story
Objectives of this photo story are to collate updated data and information to identify and describe key issues and processes revolving around land in the Mekong region and to provide a basis for constructive dialogue and collaborative decision-making with different actors to address these issues.
Recinto San Martín: Resistencia al Plan Colombia desde el territorio
Las aspersiones aéreas del Plan Colombia a las tierras cultivables del recinto San Martín causaron la devastación de sus cultivos, la contaminación del agua, la pérdida de animales de cría y alteraciones psicológicas en sus habitantes.Por ello, muchos campesinos se vieron forzados a abandonar sus tierras, pero años después retornaron a sus campos e hicieron un proceso de recuperación de suelo.
Siembra de suelos contra la contaminación petrolera en Shushufindi
Las familias de Shushufindi enfrentaron los altos niveles de contaminación de las aguas superficiales, los suelos y la calidad del aire en la zona, producto de la larga y violenta explotación petrolera de la Texaco, y, a modo de mantener su territorio, crearon estrategias para curar los suelos contaminados.