Parliamentary Decree No. Z 702-II validating Model Regulation on lease of agricultural land.
Утверждено постановлением Законодательного собрания Жогорку Кенеша Кыргызской Республики от 15 апреля 2002 года З N 702-II ТИПОВОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ об условиях и порядке предоставления в аренду земель Фонда перераспределения сельскохозяйственных угодий.
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This Parliamentary Decree establishes terms and conditions for concession on lease of agricultural land pertaining to the stock of agricultural land subject to re-distribution. Concession of the plots of agricultural land shall be carried out through tenders, the winner of which shall conclude lease contract within ten days from the date of conclusion of tender. Lease holder shall be prohibited to manage land plots prior to mapping on the boundaries in-situ and issuance of certificate for temporary land tenure. Agricultural land can be conceded on lease for short-term period of 5 to 7 years, and long-term lease for the period of 10 years.