Regional Law No. 55-oz "On regulation of turnover of agricultural land".
ЗАКОН ЧУКОТСКОГО АВТОНОМНОГО ОКРУГА от 29 ноября 2004 года N 55-оз О регулировании оборота земель сельскохозяйственного назначения в Чукотском автономном округе Принят Думой Чукотского автономного округа 25 ноября 2004 года.
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This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land and shares of agricultural land in common property. Minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot shall be 0.5 ha. Maximum agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single administrative-territorial unit that can be owned by a single family with close relatives or by a single legal person of which make part a single family with close relatives shall not exceed 10 percent of total agricultural land area. Local government shall have preferential right of purchase of agricultural land at face value, except for sale through public tender in case of renunciation of purchase by the Regional Government.