Topics and Regions
Land as a discipline in academics and in policy and development discourses, has remained comparatively under-developed. Land administration continues to be isolated and sectorally divided, over-bureaucratized and often-politicized. Contrary to the need, land governance portrays legal complexity and institutional inadequacy and exclusiveness. Contested landscapes of land governance in India calls for partnerships and innovations to make development more inclusive and prosperity shared. Participation of land-actors and users, especially communities, civil society and private sector are critical, to make land governance equitable and sustainable. Centre for Land Governance attempts to bridge information gaps, create evidence and build platforms for connection and conversations among land-stakeholders, through knowledge engagements around action and policy research, evidence-based advocacy, communication and capacity building
Displaying 241 - 250 of 251Trends in forest ownership, forest resource tenure and institutional arrangements: are they contributing to better forest management and poverty reduction?
This FAO study document provides information on formal and legal basis of forests and forest management types in Odisha along with trends and changes; describes status and impact of forest management regimes including JFM, CFM and mainstream forest management; delineates lesson learnt and future challenges.
Potential for Recognition of Community Forest Resource Rights Under India’s Forest Rights Act
A Preliminary Assessment by RRI, Vasundhara and NRMC. Provides potential area, state, district and village wise area over which CFR (and IFR) rights can be recognized under the FRA; now used as a baseline for planning and effective implementation of CFR rights, assess the extent to which the law has been implemented; delineate data on forest land, villages & population within village boundaries and CFR Recognition Status.
Diversion of forest land and Compensatory Afforestation
Audit of Forestland diversion and Compensatory afforestation by Comptroller and Auditor General of India. The report provides information on forest land diverted for non-forest use, land diverted for compensatory afforestation, use of funds with identification of gaps and suggestion of corrective measures.
Response to Forest land diversion for mining question in Parliament in 2016
The India Environment Portal is initiated and managed by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in 2005. It puts together information about environment and development issues in one-stop shop. Information provided include data on forest land diversion for mining state-wise and their ecological impact along with steps taken by government.
Online Submission & Monitoring of Forest and Wildlife Clearance Proposals
Live statistics of forest and wildlife area clearances given by Ministry for diversion to non-forestry purpose for investment. Organized as per stages of clearance, level (district, state, national) where the proposal is being considered, Searchable database indicating state, proposal name, user agency, forest area requested, status of area clearance along with link to reports.
Forest laws, acts, regulations
MoEFCC is the central ministry of Government of India, responsible for forest administration in the country; the page provides information on forest laws, acts, rules and guidelines etc.
Committees and Forest Area under JFM
Environmental Information System (ENVIS), established by Government of India, in December, 1982 provides environmental information to different stakeholders etc. This webapge provides information on area, number of committee, membership, benefits related to Joint Forest Management in India state-wise. It also provides state-wise forest cover (1987-2015).
The document deals with reservation of forest, forest settlement, formation of village forest, protected forests including control and management of forest.
It delienates legal forest types and tenure typologies under them.
Forest Rights Act, 2006
Ministry of Tribal Affairs(MoTA), Government of India provides definintion of forest land as per FRA, different types of forest rights as per FRA, and comprehensive rules and guidelines related to FRA.
Status report on implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India is the nodal ministry authorized for the implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (recognition of Forest rights) Act, 2006.
This site presents updated status report of IFR and CFR claims and rights recognition state-wise with number and area.