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Showing items 379 through 387 of 73616.An Act to provide for the improvement of coastal zone management in Belize through the establishment of a Coastal Zone Management Authority and a Coastal Zone Management Institute; to provide for the establishment of a Board of Directors to control, and manage the affairs of the Authority; to pro
The Act makes provision for the promotion and recognition of the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs), with a view to preserve their culture, traditions and institutions and to ensure the equal protection and non-discrimination of members.
Cette loi porte les principes de constitution et de gestion du domaine des collectivités territoriales.
Cette loi modifie l'article 15 de la loi nº 95-21 portant régime relatif aux immeubles domaniaux agricoles.
This Act is divided into 8 Parts as follows: General (I); Possession and land register (II); Ownership (III); Servitudes (IV); Real encumbrances (V); Building leases (VI); Right of pre-emption (VII); Right of security (VIII); Implementation of Act (IX).This Law provides for real rights, their con
This Act governs the implementation of the 1993 Law of Property Act stating that the latter entered into force on 1 December 1993 and that it applies only to legal relations created before that date. It also lists repealed legislation in art.
This Act regulates forestry activity. It consists of 14 Chapters specifying authorized activities to be performed by public and private entities in order to protect national forests.
La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular y proteger el suelo rústico de las islas Baleares, mediante la definición de los terrenos que lo constituyen y las calificaciones básicas para su ordenación; el establecimiento de su régimen jurídico con las limitaciones legales que delimitan el contenido
El presente Ley tiene por objeto la regulación de los espacios naturales de Navarra que hayan sido declarados por ésta o por las entidades locales competentes como tales espacios por contener ecosistemas de especial interés o valores naturales sobresalientes, con la finalidad de garantizar su pro
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