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Showing items 72082 through 72090 of 73617.One of the main components of Indonesia's Just Economy policy is extensive and rapid land reform, which targets about 12% of the country's land area for redistribution to farmers and communities by 2019. Much of the reform is occurring on forest land.
Inequality in the agrarian structure in Indonesia remains a serious problem. Agrarian reform efforts have been the spirit of Indonesia since the enactment of the Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles Act (UUPA). However, agrarian reform policies are still far from perfect.
Constituyendo únicamente el 5% de la población del mundo, los Pue- blos Indígenas protegen el 80% de la biodiversidad del planeta.1 Glo- balmente, muchos de los bosques que aún alberga nuestro hogar
Les questions d’accès à la terre, reconnues depuis longtemps dans les espaces internationaux et institutionnels, sont encore plus urgentes dans le contexte actuel : tant en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 qu’avec la publication de la stratégie « de la ferme à la table » de la Commission europée
The Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA) partnered with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC), a South African human rights organisation, to launch a class action lawsuit against the Government of South Africa on behalf of a class of farm dwellers known as labour tenants.
Between 2017 and 2019, the quality of democracy in Indonesia continued to slowly but noticeably decline.
Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia 2019 is an annual publication presenting various data from BPS-Statistics Indonesia and other agencies.
This guide identifies lessons learned and outlines critical steps that countries can apply to their own rural land administration programs as they strive to ensure these programs become more gender and socially inclusive.
The implementation of the Ogiek judgment is in the hearts and the spirits of the Ogiek people and the indigenous peoples globally.
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