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Showing items 72073 through 72081 of 73617.Over the past two decades, “illegal” natural resource extraction has become a significant driver of environmental change and social conflict across the Global South.
Land resources in montane highlands often represent common property prerequisites for the survival and sustenance of the human in communities that are dependent thereof.
This chapter is a case study that tests hypotheses in order to determine if political factors can reduce violence in cases of climate-change-induced or -aggravated agro-pastoral conflicts over natural resources.
This paper examines the role of customary pastoral institutions in managing conflicts.
The recent spate of violence mostly in north-central and southern Nigeria, typically credited to conflicts between herders and farmers, and the reactions, narratives, and representations that have attended them, calls for an examination of core security questions: who or what is to be secured, fr
When Nigeria’s Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister Audu Ogbeh launched the National Gender Action Plan (NGAP) on Agriculture in October, the idea was to
This book argues that a set of persuasive narratives about the links between natural resource, armed conflict and peacebuilding have strongly influenced the natural resource interventions pursued by international peacebuilders.
Since the end of the Cold War, natural resources have assumed an increasingly prominent role in security, conflict, and peace studies.
We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015).
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