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Showing items 72028 through 72036 of 73617.Urmila Pujari belongs to the Bhumia tribe of eastern state of Orissa in India, a culturally rich and one
of the largest tribes in India. The tribe relies on farming for livelihood, but very few farmers cultivate
In response to the severe economic, social, and environmental costs of degradation across Tunisia’s rangelands, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has worked with the General Directorate of Forestry (Direction Générale des Forêts, DGF) to draw up a new pa
This is the program of the workshop"Systems Tool-aided Participatory Development of Sustainable Land Management Scenarios: 2nd Wokshop".
Training Material of a two days Training on Rangeland Governance designed for Tunisian Governmental Forest Officers
Training Material of a two days Training on Rangeland Governance designed for Tunisian Governmental Forest Officers
Training Material of a two days Training on Rangeland Governance designed for Tunisian Governmental Forest Officers
Training Material of a two days Training on Rangeland Governance designed for Tunisian Governmental Forest Officers
Even if preliminary results have shown that a protection period of 3 years is not sufficient for disappeared species to appear nor for succession to reach a next stage, mainly in the degraded Stipa tenacissima community, the reintroduction of the rest “gdal” practice seems to be beneficial and a
National discussion and negotiation workshop report with:
Overview of the current situation of the rangelands in the country and related laws within the current forestry regulations (forest code and implementing texts),
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